I stayed after school to work on homework.. I didn't end up getting home until 5! O.O Not that I had much to look forward to.. my boy is gone someplace.. for some reason.. he never really said.
Dustin wants sex. I said no. Bwahaha.
I'm excited for going to Vancouver(& area) for shopping! I'm like.. yeah. Needing some clothing. I'm super into decora right now.. not that I really work it that great. EGL is uber cute too, but I don't know. I can see myself dressing decora everyday. EGL.. not so much.
ANYHOW. I'm super pissed because I can't go to the show tomorrow. I really wanted to see Jess & Emanda.. but NO! Stupid failing-english-ness. >.>
I might get to go shoe shopping this weekend. I'm in desperate need. Like seriously.
Four photos for you!
..Interesting picture of myself on monday.
Another shitty picture.. but you can see my socks, legwarmers & the full-ness of my skirt. ^__^
This is my value village purse.. I got it for $0.50 CAN. It's actual Sanrio & such.. I <3 it.
Bonus picture! Taylor dressed up for Video Production.