
Jan 12, 2006 23:28

I am really, really happy.
& it dosnt seem possible, but I will be even more happy, come next thursday.

Today was gorgeous.
I woke up early and did things.
I rolled the windows down
& sang really loud.
& danced with caroline in the car.

55 degrees in january.....?

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Comments 12

anonymous January 17 2006, 11:22:37 UTC
you can tell your sad. i know you get some pleasure from being absolutley beautiful when you live in a country that is obsessed with vanity and values such beauty, and you know you have so much more to offer. you'll find your place, and you'll learn to stop torturing yourself, because sadness is often self-inflicted and you can learn to avoid self-hatred. you seem to have more potential than you've tapped into.


everxsweet January 24 2006, 14:42:50 UTC
are you still talking?


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