Name: Sarah
Location: Chandler, Arizona
Birthday: November 16th
Status: Currently single
Rate yourself from 1-10: I think I'm like an 7.5 maybe an 8 on my good days
Hobbies/Intrests: Dance, shopping, sports, boys, music
Likes: Dance, sports, boys, lunch, friends, love, bright happy colors.
Dislikes: French fries, peas, people w/ attitudes, being fake, people who do something but dont really want to be there (mainly in school sports and/or dance)
Color: Pink and green
Music Genre: rock//alternavtive//punk//emo
Bands: Something Corporate, FM Static, Greenday, and Blink 182
Movies: Get Over It, Saved!
Actors/Actresses: Ewan McGregor, Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon
(Word Associations/First word that comes to mind)
Pink: Victoria's Secret
Cat: Dogs
Boys: Hot
Beach: Surf
Fuck: Love
Bitch: Mean
Love: Hate
(2 or more pictures)
I'm the girl if you didn't realize that.
My school picture...♥