please excuse the heavy dose of fandom squee.
seriously, what the fuck?
i was really not enjoying the ep until the last 10-15 minutes, and all the commercials JESUS!
who the fuck is this desmond guy and why is he living in the hatch?
where is sawyer and everyone else from the raft?
i have so many questions, and my brain is like totally spazzing.
and the thing with walt/shannon...creepy. that shit was just weird.
they should have had a two hour premiere, because i need answers to all my questions right now. i have it recorded on the handy dandy dvr, so i will be watching it over again...i kind of lost my concentration because i kept flipping to ANTM during commercials. speaking of antm, i hate like all of annoying. but lost...i hate television! i have NEED to know what's going on.
oh, hurley needs more screen time. he is the best person EVER. the line about looking into the fiery death trap killed me.
i kinda wish desmond would have shot locke and kate. really dont like them.
and i have a tendency to not like jack, because..well he's jack, but the crying and can you feel this? kinda made me like him a little.
where the fuck was claire and the baby?
the promo for next week sucked monkey balls.
just so you know this is a stream of consciousness post, so when it enters my brain it will probably end up here. brain = dead.