Name/Nicknames: Sandra aka. Sandy-Rah
Age: 10+4= Moi.
Location: Ontario, Canada.
Gender: Need to pay my mail fee's yo, female.
10 fave musical artists: Switchfoot, The Used, Blink 182, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Kelly Clarkson, The Calling,, Sum 41, Linkin Park and.. your momma :)
5 fave movies: Zee Butterfly Effect, School Of Rock, The Boogyman, The Little Mermaid, Meet the Fockers.
5 Fave shows: WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAYS, MAN! That 70's show.. Friends, Degrassi (<33), Radio Free Roscoe.
3 fave books: Blister, Pictures of Holis woods, The Captian Underpants series :)
The government: It's fine ehre in Cana-Duh. Everything's going swell, nothing 'major' happened yet.
Abortion: People need to have a right to choose wether to have their baby or not. It's they're life man, duh.
Animal Rights: Aww. Our teacher last ear said animals don;t go to heaven. THEY DO! And I feel sorry for all the animals :(
same sex marriage: Totally not agianst. It's a storng bond between two people, you can't break it!
Drugs: Waste of time & money, geez.
[List at least 5 reasons for being a loser]
I gave up wearing Pink for Lent (40 days, forty nights, yo)
I made my teacher cry.
I did a speech on how many licks to get to the center of a totsi pop, in grade 4.
I read captain underpants :)
I run into walls, whatever everyday :)
[other] original!
If you had one million dollars, what would you spend it on and why?: I'll get 2 laptops :) So I can use them everywhere! And... Open a PInk Panther Store close to my town. Pay a SWOT team to find the muffin man.
What is your plot to take over the world?: To spray cheese all over the world, then get a HUGE rat to eat you.
If you were stranded on a deserted island what 5 things would you bring with you and why?:
My town. - Schools.
The malls, whatever.
My Captain underpants series, yo.
A T.V. to watch Whose line.
And Colin Mochrie :)
If you could have any "ONE" super power, what would it be?:
[Fill in the blank]
I wish I were ____ a talking pink toad.
When im alone i usually ____ sing till my curtains run away.
My snowman Can ____ eat it's nose!
Your Mother Likes To ____ make pasta with her feet,
if you wanna be my lover you gotta ____ get with my friends! Haha, Spice Girls.
Whatever Happened To ____ The frekles on your toes?
I have a crush on___ your grandpa, mighty fine :P
+2 or more Pictures of You the loser">">
+ a picture of the dorkiest item you own">
+ a picture of something that would make us laugh">
Any last words???:
You may now kiss teh bride. kkthnx&bye.