(no subject)

Nov 08, 2004 15:22

today was just one of those blah Mondays..you know how that goes. nothing major happened at allllll so i'm not even going to bother to write anything.

stole this shiz from jordan:D

+||SECTION ONE: About You
1. Name: Ashley
2. Nicknames: Ash, Blondie, Loser, Shawtttty, Piiiiiiiiimp, Dateless Loser #2.. yeah yeah yeah
3. Feet size: 5 1/2-6ish
4. Do you have a crush? yes
5. Boyfriend/girlfriend? nah
6. Age you act: um 16?
7. Where Do You Live: chester!
8. Where you want to live: california
9. Nationality: ....white? american? i don't know
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: don't like salad
11. Ever gone skinny dipping? not yet
12. What are you watching? nothing
13. Last person you talked to: alex
14. Favorite movie: ummm.. probably grease
15. Favorite Book: scribbler of dreams
16. Favorite Type of music: hm i don't know? yellowcard and taking back sudnay
17. Favorite color: hotttt pink
18. Favorite Saying: L-BOMB DROPPER
19. Favorite Fast Food: burger king
20. Favorite Ice Cream: cookies and cream
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: if i'd drink.. i'd let you know.. but i don't
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: when my eyes close
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: haha there's been a lot
24. Stupidest Person you know: michelle ;D
25. Funniest Person you know: grahammmm
26. Favorite holiday: easter
27. Favorite Food: doritos
28. Favorite Song: this week.. phantom planet- "california"
29. Favorite Television Show: real world, laguna beach, the oc
30. Favorite Radio Station: i hate the radio- they overplay everthing
31. Favorite junk food: doritos
32. Favorite love song: everything i do [i do it for you] - bryan adams
33. Favorite Drink: sprite remix. tropical. when they actually made it
34. Favorite article of clothing: skirts
35. Favorite Animal: kittens

+||SECTION TWO:The Future
1. School: UVA or UNC
2. Where You Want To Live: california
3. How Many Kids You Want: um i don't know
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: pediatric nurse
6. Do you want any pets? yeahhhh
7. Car : hummmmmmmmmmmer
8. 5 years from now? college. no breaks, or i cant get everything together when its time for college
9. 10 years from now? serious boyfriend, prolly finishing school
10. 20 years from now? i dont know? married, kids, a job

+||SECTION THREE: Have You Ever..
1. Done Drugs: ha nope
2. Run Away From Home: haha nahh
3. Hit A Girl: nahh
4. Lied: once or twice ahaha
5. Stolen Anything from a store? psh noooo
6. Broken A Bone: nope
7. Cheated On A Test: yeah
8. Cheated On A boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
9. Gotten Drunk: nah
10. Been With Two guys/girls: nah
11. Been In The Hospital: no
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yeah
13. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: mhm
14. Gone to Church: yeah
15. Never slept during a night: haha yup
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: nah
17. Been to a camp: yeah
18. Sat in a restaurant: yesss
19. Seen someone die: sort of
20. Gone a week w/out shaving:ew no
21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: ew nooo
22. Broken something valuable: yeah=\
23. Thought you were in love: nah
24. Streaked the streets: nah
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yeah
26. Said I love you and meant it: yeah
27. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: yes
28. Pulled a prank? ...yeah
29. Made fun of someone? not in a mean way

+||SECTION FOUR:Which Is Better..
1. Coke Or Pepsi: pepsi
2. Cats Or Dogs: both
3. DVDs or VHS: DVD
4. Deaf Or Blind: deaf
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: hot tub
6. Television Or Radio: tv
7. CDs Or MP3's: cd's
8. Apples or oranges: oranges
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
10. Gold or silver: silver
11. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
12. Park or Beach? Beach
14. Hot or Cold weather? Cold weather
15. Sunset or Sunrise? Sunset

Put an x beside the things you've done.
[_] been drunk.
[_] smoked pot.
[x] kissed a member of the opposite sex.
[_] kissed a member of the same sex.
[_] rode in a taxi.
[x] been dumped.
[_] shoplifted.
[_] been fired.
[x] been in a fist fight.
[_] had sex.
[_] had a threesome
[_] snuck out of your parent's house.
[_] been arrested.
[_] made out with a stranger.
[_] stole something from your job.
[_] celebrated new years in times square.
[_] went on a blind date .
[_] had a crush on a teacher.
[_] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[_] been to europe.
[x] skipped school.
[_] thrown up from drinking.
[_] lost your sibling.
[x] played 'clue'.
[x] had a sleepover party.
[x] went ice skating.
[_] cheated on a bf/gf.
[x] been cheated on.

Do you...
[_] have a bf.
[_] have a gf.
[x] feel loved.
[x] feel happy.
[_] hate yourself.
[_] think you're attractive.
[x] have a dog.
[x] have your own room.
[x] listen to rap.
[x] listen to rock.
[_] listen to soul.
[_] listen to techno.
[_] listen to reggae/ska
[x] paint your nails.
[_] play an instrument.
[x] have slippers.
[_] wear thongs.
[x] wear black eyeliner.
[x] like the color blue.
[x] like the color yellow.
[_] cyber.
[_] claim.
[_] like to read.
[_] like to write.
[_] have long hair.
[x] have short hair.
[x] have a cell phone.
[_] have a laptop.
[_] have a pager.

Are you...
[x] bored.
[x] happy.
[x] white.
[x] black. hahhahaha you know you know;D
[_] mexican.
[_] asian.
[_] grounded.
[x] sick.
[x] a virgin.
[x] single.
[_] taken.
[x] thirsty.
[_] on the phone.
[x] ticklish.
[x] listening to music.
[_] homophobic.
[_] racist.

181 Questions

(1) What did you want to be when you were younger?
probably queen or something
(2) What's your favorite type of music?
just yellowcard and taking back sunday<33
(3) What do you spend most your time doing?
Computer or phone or eating
(4) When you're home alone, what do you do?
listen to music, talk on the phone or get online
(5) What is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant?
burger king
(6) Where is your favorite local place to hang out at?
(7) Are you a farmer?
(8) If you could marry anyone who would it be?
josh hartnett ahahaha
(9) How much do you think about the opposite sex?
haha enough
(10) What's your favorite brand of toothpaste?
(11) What kind of grades do you make?
(12) If you could go anywhere where would you go?
i dont know, california probably
(13) How many people do you live with?
(14) What is your favorite sport?
(15) How many kids do you want?
i don't know
(16) What would you name them?
no clue
(17) What color lipgloss/lipstick do you usually wear?
dont wear it
(18) Coke or Pepsi?
(19) What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy?
uh i dont know
(20) Have you ever been in a wreck?
once or twice
(21) When do you usually go to bed?
whenever i cant stand to have my eyes open any longer
(22) Do you have more dreams or nightmares?
i dont know, i usually cant remember
(23) Do you practice any type of religion?
(24) How many friends do you have?
i don't know
(25) What's your greatest accomplishment?
i don't know
(26) What do you plan to be when you're older?
pediatric nurse
(27) What do you normally wear to bed?
pants & a shirt
(28) What's your favorite thing to do?
hang out with friends, listen to music, get online, go to the beach, eat
(29) What color hair do you have?
(30) Do you sing well?
not at allllll
(31) Have you ever been in love?
(32) Would you eat a cockroach for $500?
no way
(33) Are you afraid of the dark?
no i love it
(34) If you had to sum your life up with a song what would it be?
no clue
(35) Where's the last place you've been?
school? ahaha
(36) What color would you say you wear the most of?
(37) Do you get along with your parents?
some days
(38) Would you consider yourself 'popular'?
no not really
(39) Do you live in the country, burbs, or city?
burbs? i guess?
(40) What was your most painful experience?
losing my dad
(41) What was your most happy experience?
hm no idea
(42) Have you ever been stalked?
haha yeah
(43) Have you ever egged a house?
(44) Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)?
(45) Do you support PETA?
whats that?
(46) Do people think you're crazy?
alot of the time, yes
(47) How many people are on your buddy list?
(49) Do you get dates easily?
haha hmmm
(50) What's a big secret you have?
but i can't tell you my secret;D
(51) Have you ever drowned a fish?
(51) How many songs do you know all the words to?
(52) Who is your favorite superhero?
spidermannnnn ahahaha <3 my spiderman SeNoRiTaS
(53) What is your biggest pet peeve?
AH don't get me started
(54) Would you consider yourself racist?
(55) Do you read books often?
(56) If you could change anything about you what would it be?
i don't knowww
(57) What is your favorite type of gum?
(58) Do you snore?
(59) Are you afraid of thunderstorms?
(60) Do you care what you look like?
some days
(61) what was your favorite cartoon?
fairly odd parents
(62) Whacha wearing?
tilt pants and wet seal sweater
(63) When's the last time you kissed someone(not including family members)?
(64) When you listen to the radio, what kind of station is it normally on?
no clue
(65) What's your best physical feature?
(66) What's the best thing about your personality?
no ideaaaa
(67) What's the worst thing about your personality?
i put myself down & i don't trust very easily with persona l stuff
(68) What physical feature attracts you most to the opposite sex?
SMILE! and eyes.. and at the beach, it's all about the abs
(69) What personality trait attracts you most to the opposite sex?
being funny
(70) Are you picky about who you date?
sometimes, but no not really
(71) Have you ever flown in an airplane?
(72) What size shoe do you wear?
5 1/2-6ish
(72) Do you wear makeup?
(73) Have you ever gone bungee jumping?
no but i want to
(74) Ever been to Paris?
(75) Do you believe in Vampires?
(76) If you could become a Vampire, would you?
(77) Do you have any phobias?
hm i don't know
(78) Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
not yet
(79) Have you ever stolen anything?
(80) Do you eat seafood?
(81) Have you ever been drunk or high or both?
(82) Ever drove while drunk?
(83) Do you drink a lot or at all?
(84) Have you ever lit yourself on fire?
(85) How many people do you trust with your life?
a few, they know who they are
(86) Are you considered intelligent?
haha i doubt it
(87) What label would you fall under?
i don't like labels
(88) Do you talk on the phone a lot?
(89) How often do you take a shower?
(90) Do you have acne?
(91) What's your favorite candy bar?
(92) Ever got a detention in school?
(93) Ever been suspended from school? If so, what for?
(94) Which is better: Punk or Prep?
(95) What is your worst habit?
bite my nails
(96) Do you like jaw breakers?
not the really big ones but yeah
(97) What is your best friend’s name?
kayleigh lynn porter&graham stuart sherman :D:D
(98) Would you call yourself independent or dependent?
(99) Do you like gossip?
not at all
(100) What do you buy a lot of?
food ahaha
(101) Do you have any medical problems?
(102) Are you listening to anything right now?
(103) What's the last movie you've watched?
anger management w/ john
(104) Who is your favorite friend?
kLp & gSs
(105) Who do you get along with the best?
(106) Have you ever been in a fist fight?
haha yeah
(107) Who would you like to see run for president?
(108) Did you ever fall asleep in class?
(109) Who would you say you look up to?
(110) A one piece swimsuit or two piece swimsuit?
two piecceee
(111) Have you ever been in a talent show?
(112) Ever been camping?
(113) Shorts or jeans?
(114) Double dates or just the two of you?
either one is fine
(115) Do you go to camp?
(116) When's the last time your parents spanked you?
a whiiiile ago
(117) Can you rhyme well?
oh yeah ;)
(118) Have you ever belonged to a gang?
haha nah
(119) Know people who belong to a gang?
haha yep
(120) Do you smoke cigarettes?
no thanks
(121) Indoors out outdoors?
um inside?
(122) Have you ever gotten beaten up?
not for real
(123) Do you know how to cook?
(124) Do you know how to do laundry?
a little
(125) When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat?
2 or 3
(126) How much do you weigh?
(127) Do you consider yourself too fat/skinny?
(128) Do you watch the super bowl?
yeaaaaaaaaaaah buddy
(129) What's your least favorite color?
(130) Have you ever faked being sick?
yes many times
(131) Ever done something illegal?
(132) What's the longest you've stayed up?
(133) Are you afraid of dying?
not really
(134) What's your biggest regret?
for me to know and you to never find out
(135) Ever picked up a hitch hiker?
(136) Is your name on any bathroom walls?
haha maybe
(137) Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
(138) What annoys you most?
a lot of stuff
(139) Fave 'scary' movie?
never seen a scary movie
(140) Fave 'action' movie?
never seen an action movie
(141) Fave 'romantic' movie?
ummmmm i dont know
(142) Do you have an accent?
(143) Who is your role model?
i dunno
(144) Do you like surprises?
(145) What kind of job would you like to have?
pediatric nurse
(146) Do you like to dance?
eh i guess
(147) Ever took ballet?
(148) Bold or pastel colors?
(149) What is your normal Friday night like?
just with my friends
(150) What brand do you wear most?
hollister probably
(151) What do you normally watch on TV?
reality shows ahaha
(152) Do you have any 'special' talents?
yeah ;D
(153) What is your biggest fear?
i dont know
(154) What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
(155) Can you play a musical instrument?
(156) What star sign are you?
...like---- scorpio?
(157) Do you prefer public schools or private?
(158) Do you care what people think?
(159) Have you ever shot a gun?
(160) What are your favorite board games?
(161) What is/was your favorite subject in school?
(162) Regular ice or crushed ice?
(163) Blue ink or black ink?
(164) Are your clothes mostly loose or tight fit?
(165) Have any piercing?
(166) Gold or silver?
(167) What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?
herbal essences
(168) Do you blow dry your hair?
(169) Would you say you're a cuss-a-holic?
some days
(170) What's the last book you've read?
don't even remember
(171) Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?
both are ew
(172) Spiderman or Superman?
(173) Have you ever broken a bone?
(174) Shower or Bath?
(175) Do you have any cavities?
yeah prolly
(176) Have you ever wore braces?
(177) What do you live in?
(178) Would you choose true love or 100 million dollars?
true love
(179) Do you have Cable?
(180) Do you play any computer games?
(181) How long did it take you to finish this?

so i've got this weird thing with changing my journal's layout like every 2 days. this time i decided to just keep it simple. werrrrrd.
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