((Just so you know, although Bakura doesn't have an LJ, I do play him ^_~ As Ryou its sort of a nessesity to have Bakura in play, anyway ^_^;; also feel free to talk about your yami ^^))
Why hello my little self proclaimed bitch, how are you today? I'm afraid you my have to compete for my attention as I juts found my hikari after his two day absence. Why anyone would run away from me I have no clue *grin*
Psh...er...like I need to compete. Well...if I had a yami like you I wouldn't run away...but I don't so, I do run away. So...don't tell him you saw me. ;;
*Rolls eyes* Oh please, like I'd do that. If your yami isnt compitant enough to control his own hikari then he's just shit out of luck, isn't he? *grin* And I dont know, you should see Ryou lately... *grin* he's quite fuckable (I dont care if thats not a word, shut up)
Oh, and tell your yami... for the right price... I can tell him how to get his own body *grin*
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Why hello my little self proclaimed bitch, how are you today? I'm afraid you my have to compete for my attention as I juts found my hikari after his two day absence. Why anyone would run away from me I have no clue *grin*
Psh...er...like I need to compete. Well...if I had a yami like you I wouldn't run away...but I don't so, I do run away. So...don't tell him you saw me. ;;
Oh, and tell your yami... for the right price... I can tell him how to get his own body *grin*
;; Don't leave alone.
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