(no subject)

May 24, 2005 17:02

pictures. cuz its my birthday.

they're just of me though, sorry. i'll post pics from Michelle & Chloes party later on! =]

thanks to everyone that made my bday extra special. i love you all! <3333333 [[ elle, my locker was AMAZING. hah. thanks! ]]

 aww so cute!

 angry face. urghhh.

 silly girlll.

 hmm its okay =]

 my eyes are huge! they're like MALI EYES!

 this ones for you!

 really cool angle. =]

 thinking about..YOU! =X hah.

 this one is one of my favorites! aww. my hair looks SO long!

 i missed my face. teehee.


 preeeetty preeeetty!

 aww its the MEGAN SAD FACE!

 the slanty smile. aww how cute.

 OMG THIS ONES MY FAVORITE! its so preeeetty.

 thinking.. a little too hard!

so PUHLEAAAAAASE comment?!
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