Uhm, so I got bored when the insomnia kicked in.

Jun 27, 2005 14:39

1.  My dad wanted to name me Shelby.
2.  I have the same initials as my dad.
3.  I haven't seen my dad in a long, long time.
4.  It'll be three years, this October.
5.  I have a sister, whose middle name is Lokelani.
6.  That means "small rose" in Hawaiian.
7.  I've never done any sort of illegal drugs.
8.  I've never gotten drunk.
9.  I'm overly-protective of my Nintendo.
10.  I agree with my mother on a large majority of her music.
11.  I enjoy dancing to loud music in our living room, when nobody's home.
12.  The tip of my nose is perpetually cold.
13.  My favorite candy is cherry Bottlecaps.
14.  I've never had a Snapple.
15.  I never want one.
16.  I have a fascination with my own handwriting.
17.  When I was little, I modeled my life after my cousin, Corey.
18.  I hate typographical errors.
19.  I will cry if you put your feet on me.
20.  Techno music makes me happy.
21.  I played DDR three times, before ever clearing a stage.
22.  I love my emo glasses.
23.  The best day I've had this summer was when I read The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and didn't leave my house.
24.  Sometimes I worry that I might not be saved.
25.  My favorite book of the Bible is Psalms.
26.  My favorite poem is called Nightshade Feline.
27.  All my creativity comes when I'm depressed.
28.  Stephanie Gross is my soulmate.
29.  I secretly love it when guys call me "baby", because it reminds me of Dirty Dancing.
30.  I'm afraid of the dark.
31.  I'm afraid of being stuck in Middlesboro for the rest of my life.
32.  I always enjoy covers of Rolling Stones songs more than the originals.
33.  I'm fascinated by everything having to do with the eighties.
34.  I dream of living life like an episode of Three's Company.
35.  Sometimes, when I'm depressed, the only thing that cheers me up is saying, "Pink elephants with purple polka-dots."
36.  I don't know why.
37.  I'm easily addicted to anything.
38.  I'm obsessed with using Chap-Stick.
39.  I'd prefer drinking milk to anything.
40.  I've never seen the ocean.
41.  The farthest north I've been is Cincinatti, Ohio.
42.  The farthest south I've been is Atlanta, Georgia.
43.  When they were dating, my dad sang Thank You by Led Zeppelin to my mom.
44.  Now, it's my favorite song.
45.  I like the color of my eyes.
46.  My favorite color is not black.
47.  It's green.
48.  Sometimes, when I'm feeling nostalgic, I miss how everything used to be.
49.  But, I don't miss everyone I used to be friends with.
50.  I don't get motion sickness.
51.  I'm deathly afraid of heights.
52.  But, I love roller coasters.
53.  My favorite "curse" word is "sonofawhore."
54.  I'm a virgin.
55.  And I plan to stay that way until I'm married.
56.  I hate it when people bite their fingernails when I'm around.
57.  And I've bitten my nails since I was four.
58.  I randomly pop every joint in my body.
59.  Except for my knees.
60.  I walk everywhere, and I hate it.
61.  I lost weight, because I was too lazy to walk in the kitchen to get food.
62.  I'm no quitter.
63.  I want to marry Kyle Wilson.
64.  But, I'm already taken.  *points to Claire*
65.  I much prefer to write on graph paper than notebook paper.
66.  I'd rather take a math class than an easy class, any day.
67.  I've been known to randomly try to figure out if they're cheating you on bottles of bleach.
68.  I still haven't found out if they were, or not.
69.  I dance like George Michael at random moments in the day.
70.  But it never seems to lighten the mood; it just pisses people off.
71.  I sing Victory In Jesus walking through the mall; Wal-Mart; Ryan's; etc.
72.  But I refuse to sing in front of the church.
73.  Some sweet day, I'll sing up there, the song of Victory.
74.  I've been baptized twice.
75.  I was raised Pentecostal.
76.  I always offended them with my liberal ideas.
77.  I met Kyle because I had a Kerry-Edwards pin on my purse.
78.  At the time, Candace thought he and I would make a good couple. :|
79.  I've known Dann since I was 6 or 7.
80.  He and I have stayed the night together at Brooke's house.
81.  But I didn't realize that until about a month or two ago.
82.  I got saved, when I was five, because my cousin convinced me Satan was coming after me.
83.  I have made an average of about 7 typographical errors in each of the preceding facts.
84.  My initials appear in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
85.  This is the end.
86. Of your life.
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