Fast Times at... Middlesboro High. :|

Jun 19, 2005 22:07

F i r s t s
First best friend: Brooke Gibson
First screen name: Tropifrog11 :|
First pets: Goldie the goldfish.  I was so creative.
First piercing/tattoo: Ears.
First credit card: Does the word "poor" mean anything to you?
First enemy: That mean fifth grader that pushed me off the slide in preschool. :|
First major trip: Atlanta, Georgia
First music you remember hearing in your house: Metallica.  Man, my mom was cool.
First kiss?: Uhm.  *looks around*  I'd rather not say who *vomits*, but I will say that it was after 8th grade prom, at Jordy's house.

L a s t s
Last cigarette: Uhm, Saturday, June 11, 2005.  I've quit... again.
Last car ride: With la mere to Wal-Mart.
Last good cry: Last night, because I was being an emo-fag. :|
Last library book checked out: Go Ask Alice, Head Games, Love Sara, Wish You Were Here, Heart On My Sleeve... some other ones, but I can't remember them all. :|  Ariana and I... checked out a lot of books.
Last kiss: Sunday afternoon.
Last movie seen: The Longest Yard
Last beverage drank: Milk.  Oh, yes.
Last food consumed: Burger.  I love eating cows.
Last phone call: Ariana.
Last time showered: At, like, 3:00, I think.
Last shoes worn: CHUCKS.
Last item bought: Soda.
Last annoyance: Jackson.  Eating.  My.  Cheez-Its.  Without.  Washing.  His.  Hands. :|
Last time scolded: When I was yelling at Jackson, for beating the dog.  Mother yelled at me.  Smart move.

F r i e n d s h i p s
01. Who are your best friends? Ariana, Brittany, Jonathan, my soulmate, Candace, Adam, VONDAJADEMULLINS...
02. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Erm... Ariana knows.

F a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. Where is your favorite place to shop? Wal-Mart. :|
02. Any tattoos or piercing? Ears.  Pierced, not tattooed. :|

S p e c i f i c s
01. Do you do drugs? Nicotine is my anti-drug.
02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Random Suave that smells good.
03. What are you most scared of? Heights; Spiders; Feet; Dark.
04. What are you listening to right now? Haligh, Haligh, A Lie, Haligh - Bright Eyes :)
05. Where do you want to get married: At Southside Baptist Church.  I want Jonathan to be the preacher, too.  I love Jon. :)
06. How many buddies are online right now? 21
07. What would you change about yourself? I am... obnoxious. :|

F a v o r i t e s
01. color: Black, red, violet, silver, green.
02. Food: Mexican.
03. Boys' names: Alexander, Christopher, Nathaniel
04. Girls' names: Rachel Katherine! :D
05. Subjects in school: History and math.
06. Animals: Dogs.  [Magenta is the best puppy evar.]
07. Sports: Uhm... *blank stare*

Have | y o u | e v e r
01. Given anyone a bath? Jackson; Becca.
02. Smoked: Who, me?
03. Bungee jumped? AREYOUSTUPID?!
04. Made yourself throw up? Uhm, no.  That's... gross.
05. Skinny dipped? Nobody wants to see that... including me.
06: Been in love? Love is but an illusion.
07. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Uhm... not too often...
08. Pictured your crush naked? Uhm... only when he tells me he's just gotten out of the shower. :|
09. Actually seen your crush naked? ...No.
10. Cried when someone died? No, retard.  I never cry.
11. Lied? I told Jackson that he was adopted, once.
12. Fallen for your best friend? That... is... the... stupidest... thing... anyone... could... ever... do...
13. Been rejected? Only... all the time.
14. Rejected someone? Uhm, Tommy Joe. *looks around*   Can you say "creepy"?
15. Used someone? Some of them want to be used by you...
16. Done something you regret? Nevar.

C u r r e n t
Clothes: Green tank top; blue jeans with random writing on them; CHUCKS.
Music: Through Waiting - Greeley Estates
Favorite artist: Monet and Warhol.
Desktop picture: Owens. <3
Cd in player: Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits

L a s t | p e r s o n
You touched: Ariana.  I... randomly shoved her, so I could put her name.  I didn't know who else I'd touched. :/
You hugged: Ariana.
You IMed: James!

Are | y o u
Understanding: No.  Yes.  Maybe.  [Ariana answered that one for me.]
Open-minded: Uhm, yes.  Usually.
Arrogant: Yes.
Insecure: To an extreme.
Interesting: No.  I'm boring, but you're reading this anyway.  Shows how cool you are.
Hungry: Actually, yes, even though I ate a hamburger about an hour ago. :|
Smart: I guess.  Sure.  Smarter than some people I know.  *cough, YOU, cough*
Moody: Overly.
Hardworking: I put a lot of effort into procrastinating.
Healthy: Fat.
Attractive: Repulsive.
Responsible: When there's money involved.
Angry: ARRR.  I was, earlier.  But, then, I yelled and felt better.
Sad: Sort of.  Jordan said he woudn't be muh friend if I said "Werd." :(
Disappointed: Very much.  In mankind.
Happy: Nevar.
Hyper: Tarrrrrred.
Trusting: I think I trusted my dad.  But, well, yeah.
Talkative: No.  Buuuut... let me tell you about what happened today...
Legal: Uhm, let's not talk about that.  It's not something we try to think about too much.

W h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
Kill: ...Your mother.
Slap: ...Your mother.
Look like: Marilyn Monroe. :)
Talk to offline: ...Shut up.
Talk to online: ...Shut up!

Wh i c h | i s | b e t t e r
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
Flowers or candy: Flowers.  Daisies, to be specific.

In the morning: Coffee, if I'm awake.
Love is: but an illusion.  I already said that.
I dream about: ...Shut up.
Who makes you laugh the most: Ariana and I laugh at randomness... constantly.  Claire makes me giggle uncontrollably, too.
Who makes you smile: Kyle.
Who makes you cry the most: Everyone and everything.
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: ...Your mother.
Who has a crush on you: ...Your mother.

D o | y o u | e v e r
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: Only what on special occasions.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Boys are... stupid.
Wish you were younger: I haven't been alive long enough for that.

|n u m b e r|
Of times I have had my heart broken: *counts on fingers* Uhm... I'll need some extra fingers for this.
Of hearts I have broken: 2165108616108109110251989810532.754981, to be exact.
Of tight friends: I... I don't know.  *looks around*
Study abroad: That's no number.
Of cds I own: Too many.
Of scars on body: Far too many.
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