you have to read
ImSoEasy4Barry: i got you a new screenname
lovequalsirens: haha
lovequalsirens: omg i cannot stop laughing
ImSoEasy4Barry: you like it?
lovequalsirens: hahah
ImSoEasy4Barry: the password is whore
ImSoEasy4Barry: want it?
lovequalsirens: haha hahahh
lovequalsirens: haha
lovequalsirens: haha
lovequalsirens: ha
ImSoEasy4Barry: i tried to do something sweet for you
lovequalsirens: wow
lovequalsirens: thanks
ImSoEasy4Barry: call me
lovequalsirens: at least you made me smile
ImSoEasy4Barry: i thought it would cheer you up
ImSoEasy4Barry: it was the point
ImSoEasy4Barry: wanna call me?
lovequalsirens: haha
5 min later
this is me:
iscrewedmicaela2: i got you a sn too
iscrewedmicaela2: get it 2? you screwed her too
iscrewedmicaela2: password is asshole