With a Spoon or With a Fork?

Feb 28, 2005 07:49

Full name: Rashmi Shankar...Yes I am 100% Indian.

Birthday: June 19,1988

Age: 16

Fave Cereal: Umm... Honey Nut Corn Flakes I think is the name.

Fave Breakfast food: Scrambled Eggs and French Toast Sticks minus the syrup.

Describe yourself in 2+ sentences, no less then 5 words in each:  I am a person who has a tremendous amount of love to offer but first I must let you in. I may let you in very easily as I tend to do with people, but if you lie to me or attempt to make me feel like a lesser person I will shut you out and hate you with every ounce of myself. Now you may think I say this because I am crazy, however I say these things because I have not had a easy life and I do what I must to hold onto my sanity. I care about my friends so much and I would kick your ass if you tried to hurt them. Family is a dream for me because I am not close with my family and had/having a very bad childhood/adolesence/teenhood. I love to go out, have fun, and just enjoy life. My favorite quote would have to be Love me for me or leave me be. Well I hope that you guys don't mind the length...I really got into it.

Ever been convicted of a crime?: Nearly...

Do drugs?: Nope...went through a stage where I really wanted to.

Masturbate? and how often.: Nope

Fave color: Peach...

Fave movie: (Dont say napoleon dynamite) Guys my blonde side my yield...It is Legally Blonde...both parts yes I am blonde enough to love even part 2.

Ashlee, Lindsay or Hilary:-(only pick one) Hilary.

Animal:-(this is a toughy, you will be checked on this one) Snakes because they are just so effin' cool.

Type of undies mostly worn:-(right now! dont lie!) Thongs

Ninja turtles or sponge bob. it could result in termination, but take your chances we frown more apon liars.) Ninja Turtles Baby!!! I used to love them so much when I was little.

Post 4 pics: ( must be clear. Dont Make them big, resize them so they can be easily seen, or you wont be accepted)

 I hate the way I look in this picture and the next one but it is all I had...SORRY!!!

What are you wearing right now?:  I woke up like 10 minutes ago so Victoria's Secret PJ's from the PINK collection that say PINK all over them and a pink wifebeater...that says PINK on it...LOL...

5+bands: My Chemical Romance, Bad Religion, Linkin Park, Maroon 5 (yes the girly girl comes out sometimes...LOL), ok and I am not sure but does Jesse McCartney love of my life count??? If not also Celine Dion (my frickin' inspiration), and Hoobastank.

Nickname: Blondie, Shortie, Midget, Ramish (my friend Sebastian doesn't liek to call me Rashmi so he has half the school calling me Ramish. He thinks it fits me better...Psycho...LOL), Wal-Mart...LONG STORY...LOL

Single or taken? (post pic of him or her if taken): Oh so Very Single!!!

How did you hear about us: ALSO YOU MUST PROMOTE US TO ATLEAST THREE OTHER JOURNALS, OR COMMUNTIES.  My gorgeous Blondie Breezy4 invited me. Hey can by Breakfast nickname be Scrambled Eggs???



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