Chris, Laura [me], James in Roach's Econ class, 6th.
Laura & Marley, Econ Monopoly [and our VP that wrote me up last semester]
Kent & Laura, Fountains English. He really loves me... I promise.
Michael [kent] Laura
Sam & Laura... lol.
Michael & Laura
Laura in Lindsey's lap
Laura & Lindsey
Milroy @ lunch, and Joel... and Jame's head.
Josh and Sabrina [they need to get married]
Kenny's head in front of Elyse's ass.
Boys sticking things up her bottom.
Obscene. Will & Kenny & Elsye's bum
They're getting married too.
Will & Elyse.
Elyse and Prathna
Joshy poo.
Jessica, [I never remember that kids name], and Katie <3
Will wants this on the net.
Throw up the EL
Thought provoking.
Throw up the EL one more time.
he thinks he's hot.
He dressed up like a teacher and bought a teachers lunch.
Will took this of Elyse.
Donald. Studying. Loser.
Elyse & Tara
Elyse, Juan, Tara :)
Tara Me Elyse
Their serious faces.
Cute faces.
Asian faces...?
Best Friends. :)
Tara and Juanda.
Elyse and Juanda.
Juan, Will, Gary, Laura, Elyse, Tara '06