Trying to earn some
Slept over Heather's.. we took a lot of pictures.
Heather's little sister, Taylor. We put makeup on her.
Heather again
Heather being ghetto...
Its big.. but me and Taylor at their grandparents house
Me at their grandparents laying on the swing thingg..? haha
We found this hat so she put it on..
on the swingg...
Me and Taylor in their Grandparents pool
Taylor and Heather at their house
Heather in her room
Taylor on Heather's bed..she looks fat, i swear she isnt haha
Heather on her bed
Taylor and their dog, Comet
Falling out of a box..... haha
Pretending to sleep..
Other random things
Me and my boyfriendddd
Chris...with his tongue out haha
Chris, Kristen and Me on the 4th of July at the fireworks
Chris and Me at the fireworks
Me and Kristen at the fireworks
Kristen "singing"
Kristen and Chris
Them againn
Chris on my trampoline
...theres more to come once i get them on my computer!