1. First Name: kristin
2. Hair Color: brown w/ natural red in it.
3. Middle Name: dael amber. that's right two.
4. Hair Style: almost to the middle of my back. long and beveled in front, in the back is layered and rounded.
5. Eye Color: hazel. light brown and green and black speckles.
6. Height: 5'1"..refer to photo on myspace. haha cat.
8. Birthday: april 17th.
9. Zodiac Sign: aries
10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: <33mhm
11. Do you have a crush?: see above
1. Favorite Animal: komodo dragons. cats<3. guinea pigs. dogs.
2. Favorite Sport: i like baseball.
3. Favorite Color(s): i love red and white together. i own lots of pink and grey.
4. Favorite Friend(s): so many. i don't have a favorite
5. Best Friend(s): offline it is ashleeey.
6. Favorite Song(s): uhhh so many.
7. Favorite Movie Quote: "friggin idi--" wait um, lmao.. "because hes GAY" from blue streak.
8. Favorite Store: thrift stores cuz theyre kewl and its like the new pacsun!@~ no its so def. walmart.
9. Favorite Feeling: the all tied up in love feeling. i feel it a lot <3[:
10. Favorite Shoe: my adidas. and flip flops. cause its all i ever wear.
11. Favorite Scent: macintosh apple, honeydew melon, and cucumber cantaloupe from yankeeCC. and love spell from vs.
12. Do You Wear Make-Up?: yes.
13. Which is more important, personality or looks?: everyone always says personality. me too.
14. What kind of personality do you like in a guy/girl?: i like nice guys. who treat all girls with respect.
15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: it depends. and not fast.
16. What is your idea of the perfect guy/girl?: someone who communicates, is honest, and likes me for me.
17. Would you ever ask someone out?: i dont think i would. i ono
18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: probably brunettes im not sure.
Love, Life & Friends
1. What is the first thing you notice about somone?: style. eyes + ears, rofl.
2. When's the last time you cried?: today. they werent sad tears thouugh.
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?: i wanna go into something DESIGN.
4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: yeah. i have jumbo sized stuffed animals, like spongebob, i use as pillows.
5. How far have you gotten?: on ff7? im so far, dude. soo far.
6. Do you like someone right now?: ilikesomeoneeealot.
7. Do they know?: probably. hope tho =o
8. Do you have a best friend?: more than one.
1. Had a serious talk?: yess.
2. Hugged someone?: sabrina at church.
3. Gotten along well with your parents?: with my mom and dad today, yes.
4. Fought with a friend?: i don't think so. other than cat wont draw me jenny :[
Do you like to...
1. Do you like to give hugs? mhm, almost as much as getting them.
2. Give back rubs?: i like to scratch people's backs.
3. Take walks in the rain?: i love being outside in the rain. but sometimes here its soo humid that its unbearable.
4. Do you ever have one of those falling dream?: yes where you wake up all shaky , AKDHSKFD.
5. What is on the walls of your room?: lots of framed pictures, candlestick holder thingies with no candles, uh a frog thing. a little pink shelf i have angels on, two bunny angels, and a hello kitty thing with hooks.
6. When you chew gum, what etc..kind?: orbit, winterfresh.
7. Do you use chap stick?: all the time. actually, blistex.
In the last month have/did you...
1. Drink?: nope
2. Smoke?: nope
3. Drugs?: nope
4. Have Sex?: nope
5. Made Out?: nope
6. Go on a date?: nope
8. Go to the mall?: yesm
9. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: havent had any oreos!
10. Eaten sushi?: ick no
11. Been on stage?: yes for drama.
12. Been dumped?: no, duh
13: Had someone unfaithful to you?: nope
14. Watched The Smurfs?: nope
15. Hiked a mountain?: nope
16. Made homemade cookies?: nope, oven thermostat is messed up
17. Been in love?: ibelieveso=D
More stuff.
1. Are you popular?: um, with people i know, yeah. but this year i'm not trying to be in the limelight.
2. Are you pretty?: ivebeentold:q
4. What is your favorite word to say: pff
5. What is your favorite phrase to say?: i'll effing own you at halo. lmao.
6.what are you doing right now?: wanting to take a showurrr
7. What song are you listening to?: thrice; stare at the sun.
8. What are you wearing?: white shirt i wore to church, and red jamma pants.
1. Cold or hot?: Cold
2. Lace or satin?: both
3. Blue or Red?: red
4. New or old?: new
5. Rain or snow?: rain
6. Give or receive?: give
7. Wool or cotton?: Cotton
8. Rose or Daisy?: UMM. neither, but probably a rose
9. Private school or public school?: public
10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: i love both, but drink chocolate more
11. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: Fahrenheit, we iz in amerikah!
12. Spring or Fall?: BOTH.
13. Inny or outty?: INNie
14. Now or then?: ?/
15. How many fingers am I holding up?: utellme.
16. Scent?: tfx i answered this. macintosh apple, honeydew melon, cucumber canteloupe, love spell, OH AND ST. IVES APRICOT BODY WASH MM. peach,apricot,mango<3
17. English or Math?: better at english, like the challenge in math though.
18. Bath or shower?: shower. sometimes bathwater gets cold too fast.
19. Bedtime phrase?: sweetdreams, nightynight!
20. Self-stick or lick?: self stick. the lick thingers leave a bad taste in my mouth.
21. Cursive or print?: print, unless you can cursive me all pretty.
22. Do you like surprises?: yeah, good ones. but i dont like chaange.
23. Paranoid or Cautious?: im more paranoid.
24. Heights or Crowds?: crowds.
25. Half-full or half-empty?: in the middleee
26. Top or bottom?: bottom
27. do you/Would you dye your hair?: i haven't, & i may. dunno when.
28. Speeding or running red lights?: speeding, cause im so fast.
29. Gold or silver?: gold, white gold <3.
30. Bad habits?: playing with hair, gnawing on nails / fingers in mouth. i guess rofl
31. Piercing?: two in each, have to get them redone though.
32. Erogenous Zone(s)?: my hips/right above them. & the small of my back ;x
33. "Maybe" or "Mebbe?": maybe.
35. What do you wish you'd done?: not eaten so much chocolate loll.
36. Fetish?: feet. hands. FEET.
37. Do you have one of THOSE voices?: haha i love doing "my names fahnda, ... if you like what you hear, press one" voices in class with ashley<3
38. Jammies or naked?: jammies. yep.
39. Neurotic or psychotic?: ummaa
40. Do you talk to yourself?: yesm
first grade teacher's name: mrs. watterson.
last word you said: 'k'
last song you sang: this song by casey jones.
what's in your cd player: burnt cd
what color socks are you wearing: none at all
what's under your bed: papers. magazines. probably clothes.
what time did you wake up today: 8a
where do you want to go: BLUEFIELD.=) and maybe, er.. somewhere else i ono. How is this 'past' ?
what is your career going to be: im not sure yet ok.
where are you going to live: withyou.andyouandyou.andYOU.
how many kids do you want: FIVE+, haha.
what kind of car will you have: navigator. o_0 lmao dunno.
current mood: just woke up
current music: wind outside
current taste: snickers popables ;x
current hair: very messy. um, its not all the way up but its up.
current smell: clean cotton from my tart warmer <3
current longing: a shower.
current desktop picture: it's just this pretty green.
current favorite artist: too many.
current color of toenails: almost-gone pink. do them for me, k.
current worry: babysitting this week. :l
current crush: <33
current hate: going to bed early when its spring break, parents are ridic.
1. what's the story behind your lj username? loud&fastsong.
2. name five [5] of your favorite foods. cornbread. green bean casserole. waffles. mac and cheese. bourbon chicken.
3. have you ever had a makeover? no.
4. name all members of the beatles. ringo starr, paul mccartney, john lennon, and george. he's just george.
5. what's the longest time you've stayed out of the country/where? i havent.
6. one thing you're grateful for today. the shower. cause i need a shower.