A - Act your age - 14
B - Boyfriend - Nope, girlfriend. Soaf.
C - Chore you hate - Chores...?
D - Dad's name - John
E - Essential make up item - eye make-up
F - Favorite actor - Johnny Depp
G - Gold or silver - silver
H - Hometown - Liverpool
I - Instruments you play - guitar...ish.
J - Job title - school pupil (haha, etc etc)
K - Kids - bless. unless I have to communicate with them...euch
L - Living arrangements - home, with the rents...fucking age moneyless thingy-ma-jig.
M - Mom's name - Ann
N - Number of people you've slept with - none
O - Overnight hospital stays - none I can remember
P - Phobia - small spaces, heights, clowns, never being loved...
Q - Quote you like - 'If looks could kill, then my profesion would be staring', Brand New
R - Religious affiliation - None.
S - Siblings - None.
T - Time you wake up? Varies.
U - Unique habit - Stalking...blushing constantly??
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? - tomatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, peppers, sprouts.
W - Worst habit - life...yeh...
X - X-rays you've had - teeth and nose...
Y - Yummy food you make - pasta.
Z - Zodiac Sign - virgo.
What is your name?: Rachael
Are you named after anyone?: Nope
What's your screename?: chibi4ginny (long story...)
Would you name a child of yours after you?: No-ope
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Adam
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: Emily ^_-
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: Rachel and Racheal
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: Yees...Kurs. Eugh.
Your gender:: female
Straight/Gay/Bi:: lesbiaarn
Single?: nope
If not, do you want to be?: nope
Birthdate:: 21/9/90
Your age:: 14
Age you act:: 5? or 18? heh.
Age you wish you were:: 16
Your height:: 5' something
Eye color:: grey/blue
Happy with it?: yup
Hair color:: black
Happy with it?: yup
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: ambidextrous
Your living arrangement:: me, mum, dad, pets.
Your family:: big. heh.
Have any pets?: cats and fishies.
Whats your job?: ... don't have one.
Piercings?: my ears twice in each ear
Tattoos?: nope
Obsessions?: rping, writing, music, movies and yr.12s
Addictions?: diet coke, brandy and yr.12s
Do you speak another language?: french and kinda...german. I can say cat.
Have a favorite quote?: 'Eeew skanky bitches! You just don't know my style! Knobheads!' Carl, on a particually gay day.
Do you have a webpage?: a few but they're ever updated.
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: I s'pose.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: not really...:S
Do you have any secrets?: yup
Do you hate yourself?: sometimes
Do you like your handwriting?: no-ope
Do you have any bad habits?: yes, sure.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: That I'm funny and cute.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: The Diary Of An Emo Stalker Girl.
What's your biggest fear?: dying alone and unloved
Can you sing?: sort of
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: yes
Are you a loner?: no
What are your #1 priorities in life?: friends, music and creativity.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Yes. Cos I look lonely, heh.
Are you a daredevil?: Hah. No. Unless it's alcohol. Lol.
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: everything
Are you passive or agressive?: aggressive mostly...depends on my mood.
Do you have a journal?: yes. I have many.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: I'm a pretty good friend, right? And weakness, constant crying.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I'd be more out there and confident.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: No way.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Giving up too easy.
Do you think life has been good so far?: Neh.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Be confident in yourself...(I'm still not).
What do you like the most about your body?: Lips and eyes
And least?: most things
Do you think you are good looking?: No-ope
Are you confident?: Nope
What is the fictional character you are most like?: I'm not sure...
Are you perceived wrongly?: yes.
Do You...
Smoke?: not yet.
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper?: no
Pray?: no
Go to church?: no
Talk to strangers who IM you?: yes
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yup
Take walks in the rain?: yes
Talk to people even though you hate them?: yes
Drive?: no
Like to drive fast?: no
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: yes
Hurt yourself?: yes
Been out of the country?: yes
Eaten something that made other people sick?: no
Been in love?: yes
Done drugs?: no
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Had a medical emergency?: no
Had surgery?: yes
Ran away from home?: almost, but no
Played strip poker?: no
Gotten beaten up?: no
Beaten someone up?: no
Been picked on?: yes
Been on stage?: yes
Slept outdoors?: yes
Thought about suicide?: yes
Pulled an all nighter?: yes
If yes, what is your record?: dunno...
Gone one day without food?: yes
Talked on the phone all night?: yes
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: no
Slept all day?: yes
Killed someone?: no
Made out with a stranger?: no
Had sex with a stranger?: no
Thought you're going crazy?: yes
Kissed the same sex?: yesh
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: not yet.
Been betrayed?: yes
Had a dream that came true?: no
Broken the law?: yesh
Met a famous person?: yes
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: no
On purpose?: no
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: yes
Stolen anything?: yes
Been on radio/tv?: yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: yes
Had a nervous breakdown?: yes
Bungee jumped?: no
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes
Belive in life on other planets?: sure
Miracles?: yes
Astrology?: yuh-huh
Magic?: yuh-huh, like wiccan.
God?: nope.
Satan?: nope.
Santa?: YES! no.
Ghosts?: yes
Luck?: Yeah
Love at first sight?: no
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: yes
Witches?: yes, wiccan, hello??
Easter bunny?: Nope
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: yes
Do you wish on stars?: yes
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: nope
Do you think God has a gender?: no
Do you believe in organized religion?: not really
Where do you think we go when we die?: I think our soul are kept alive by the people that remember us.
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Yuppers.
Who is your best friend?: Amy/Fizzy
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Amy and Fizzy, Soaf maybes.
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: Admit your true feelins.
Your favourite inside joke?: Wow. So many.
Thing you're picked on most about?: look, music taste, sexual preference.
Who's your longest known friend?: Finix
Newest?: The year 12s, they are our friends, oh yeah!
Shyest?: Probs Amy.
Funniest?: Me/Fizz/Amz
Sweetest?: Nikki (heheheh) or Amz, or what the hell, we're all adorable as hell!
Closest?: Fizz and Ami.
Weirdest?: Fizz/Loz
Smartest?: Me. Hahahaha.
Ditziest?: Annie
Friends you miss being close to the most?: No-one.
Last person you talked to online?:Taz
Who do you talk to most online?: Hailsta and my rpers.
Who are you on the phone with most?: No-one no more. Used to be Finix constantly.
Who do you trust most?: Amy
Who listens to your problems?: AMY! 'No problem too big, no problem too small' *grin*
Who do you fight most with?: No-one anymore
Who's the nicest?: Ami
Who's the most outgoing?: Emily and Beau
Who's the best singer?: Soaf <3
Who's on your shit-list?: most peoples.
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: no.
Who's your second family?: the green-stairs girls...
Do you always feel understood?: no
Who's the loudest friend?: Me, or Fizzsta. Or Amy when she wants to be.
Do you trust others easily?: No-ope
Who's house were you last at?: Mine.
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Soaf. Fizzy. Ami.
Do your friends know you?: Yes
Friend that lives farthest away: Nikki
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: Of course not.
What do you find romantic?: The beach at night.
Turn-on?: blood
Turn-off?: fakes
First kiss?: was cool, lol. Wet.
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: Meh-ish
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: yes
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: no...
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: I think so.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: No-ope, and do I give a flying horse shit?
What is best about the opposite sex?: they sometimes kiss the same sex when drunk. *grin*
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: dunno...
What's the last present someone gave you?: Loads Christmas presents today
Are you in love?: Maybe.
Do you consider your significant other hot?: Of fucking course.
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: I dunno.
You wanted to kill?: God knows.
That you laughed at?: Fizzy
That laughed at you?: Fizzy
That turned you on?: Soaf hehehe
You went shopping with?: Ami, Annie, Fizzy
That broke your heart?: uh...noone.
To disappoint you?: hm...
To ask you out?: I asked Soaf out
To make you cry?: Scalls
To brighten up your day?: All my friends. Lil Matty. Carl. Emma.
That you thought about?: Soaf
You saw a movie with?: Ami, Fizzy, Beau, Holly
You talked to on the phone?: Dunno...
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Taz
You saw?: Me mum
You lost?: Vito, Si, Peter, Callum and Emy today
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: nope
Will it be with your significant other?: nope
Or some random person?: no one
What are you wearing right now?: jeans, white shirt, used tee and mcr hoodie
Body part you're touching right now: nowhere
What are you worried about right now?: getting sleep
What book are you reading?: Some Georgia Nicholson. I'm re-readin em all.
What's on your mousepad?: Kittens
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: I am actually quiet happy.
Are you bored?: yes
Are you tired?: yes
Are you talking to anyone online?: yes
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: no
Are you lonely or content?: content.
Are you listening to music?: nuh-huh
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