Doc 1. Original fic.

Nov 18, 2005 15:36

Bathroom, Stall 3, 4A Lunch

Charlie told Lisa told Kellie told Greg told Jamie told Stephie that Carrie slept with Nikki, even though she's dating Matt.

I can't imagine le5bian sex would be much fun.


Breakfast, Saturday Morning, 7, Coffee Napkin (Stained)

I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't drink this stuff. It's Chai Tea.

And everytime

I drink

it I think

of how you used to

put it to your lips

and make a


just for

my amusement

and how you'd

never leave without one

and how

ten minutes later you'd

have to pee.


Post-it by Computer Desk

I wonder what the difference is between liking a girl and just envying her. We're studying the Seven Deadly Sins in school. I know Envy is on there...I wonder whether thinking you're a lesbian and attracted to your only real friend is on there too.

Lust's got to be.


Written on the Wallpaper, covered by a poster

Dyke + Pixie= BBForevereverever!


Convo with Pixie Online

PurplePixie999: Hey

AbdctedbyTnFl: Hey

PurplePixie999: was up?

AbdctedbyTnFl: i <3 you

PurplePixie999: hehe

PurplePixie999: :)

PurplePixie999: I <3 you too, dyke


Note passed in Art

You still love me?

Yeah, why?



Grafitti in the girl's bathroom

Pixie &hearts: Batman


Talking to Batman in the lunchline.

Dyke: You like Pixie?


Dyke: She ever act weird around you?


Dyke: Well...I don't think she lieks you very much.

*walks away, declining the turkey lunch that looked very much like bile*

Convo with Pixie over the phone that night.

Pixie:Did you talk to Batman today?

Dyke: No

Pixie: *pause* He said--

Dyke: You know what, Pixie? I g2g, sorry, mom's yelling at me.


*paints nails*

{{Author Note: TBA...if I care enough or anyone else does.}}
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