today i went back to school. i have sososo much make up work. after school kimmie& me walked home and then she came over for icecream. then we went to her house to do something on the computer, i had to come home tho because i have this very long gay ass report due this friday and i just started it today and im never going to finish it. :( well i
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Friday-Walked home from school with Becca and Kim.Becca came over,and got ready and then walked to Starbucks.Matt and his friend picked us up and then we went to Dave's house,hung out and drank,then my mom picked us up
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i know my journal is really ugly now but laura said she would do it for me tomorrow (: anyways not a very eventful day, school was boring like always. nite with the girls and some other people. it was pretty fun. tomorrow jay comes home from school and hopefully i'll get to see him because it has been like forever! well thats all for now. <3<3