1.Name: Phineas Alexander
2.Age: 17
3.Location: Toms River, NJ
4.Sex: Male
5.Orientation // Single or Taken? (pictures are nice:]):
bi-sexual & I'm taken by a very lovely Danny. [whom I have no pictures of, 'cause my cam sucks at life]
6.Things you do for fun: spend time with my man, write, sing, listen to music, bake cookies, practice guitar, dance aimlessly around my room, play around with make-up, go to the TRD
7.10-20 Favorite Bands: Bright Eyes, Garbage, My Chemical Romance, KMFDM, Mindless Self Indulgence, Brand New, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Thrice, No Doubt, & Green Day
8.10-20 Favorite Movies: Another Heaven, Uzumaki, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Happiness of the Katakuris, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Party Monster, Alice in Wonderland, Napoleon Dynamite, Ghost World, Pumpkin, Erin Brokavich, & What's Eating Gilbert Grape
9.Favorite Books: Disco Bloodbath, Prozac Nation, A Seperate Peace, Flowers in the Attic, Of Mice and Men, Othello, Romeo & Juliet, A Child Called "It"
10.Why do you want to be accepted?: 'cause, I'm Phineas Fucking Alexander ♥
11.Abortion: her body, her decision
12.Drugs: I'm all for 'em.
13.George Bush: he's a major jackass
14.Straight-edge: I'm cool with 'em too.
15.Gays, Lesbians & Bisexuals: seeing as I'm bi, yeah, no problems here either.
Finally ;
17.What do you think of the Mods?
_sadanddelicate I don't really know this person.
_kill_yer_scene Jenn feckin owns at life.
hang_em_high_x don't know this person either.
wtf_ur_dumb Amy, I sorta know her, she's pretty cool.
solitary_echo_x nope, dunno this person either
18. Where did you find us?
Jenn told me to Join.
[These are kinda old pictures (Feb-Mar) 'cause my cam sucks at life & doesn't work]