6: perfect drug? nooo, but I list it anyhow. 7: maxwell's silver hammer 13: December Rain, or something to that effect. 14: Canned Heat. Or half the man. Hell, it SHOULD be half the man. 16: that song scissor sisters covered.
haha, you ARE a fucking loser, and my friends do know who you are. you just lied so that you dont associate yourself with them. stop being so fucking bigheaded you dick. majoring in english? want to be a lawyer and a doctor? as if. NERD FREAK LOSER. your whole life revolves around lj, i wouldn't be surprised if you got all your friends and snagged that donkey faced girl through lj or asianavenue too. diu lay
Comments 22
7: maxwell's silver hammer
13: December Rain, or something to that effect.
14: Canned Heat. Or half the man. Hell, it SHOULD be half the man.
16: that song scissor sisters covered.
I like to take shots in the dark.
you just lied so that you dont associate yourself with them.
stop being so fucking bigheaded you dick. majoring in english? want to be a lawyer and a doctor? as if. NERD FREAK LOSER. your whole life revolves around lj, i wouldn't be surprised if you got all your friends and snagged that donkey faced girl through lj or asianavenue too. diu lay
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