Rant Behind the Cut. I didn't spell check either, sorry.
Abortion is now illegal in South Dakota.
That's total crap. How can they take away the right for a woman to make that choice.
Legal adults can refuse medical treatment, no questions asked. I don't understand how you can allow that decision and not the right to choose to abort an unwanted pregnancy. I can understand people not wanting to or thinking it's immoral to have an abortion, but to take away a woman's right to make the choice for herself is wrong. Not only is it wrong to take away the choice, but look at the circumstances in which children are coming into the world. The world is a mess, the last thing that we need is more overpopulation. We can't even take care of everone as it is. The price of living is constantly rising, resources are running out, poverty and hunger are spreading like wildfires in some communities and in others people abuse their privilidges. So now South Dakota thinks that more people coming into this world to become overweight and to drive their big SUVs that guzzle gas is what is right, because every child deserves a chance, because it is God's plan. Well that may be God's plan, but what about people's plans? Some people can't provide for their children, or conceive against their will. What are those people to do? Sure, they can give up their children to adoption, but even then a whole buch of people who can provide loving families and good homes to children put up for adoption are being denied that opportunity because they are homosexual. So now what? We have children in orphanages without homes or families, who are alone and confused, who think that nobody wants them. Is that God's plan? Is that the chance that every child deserves? I know I don't think so.
Maybe I'm just biased tho, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for abortion.