I'm stealing the idea of going back to my senior year goals and seeing how much progress I have made. So here it goes...
1. Make Senior Year Better Than Junior Year-This one actually is probably going to be pretty easy since my junior year social and emotional life was probably the worst in my life, but yeah, I cant take another one like that. Yeah, as I predicted, that one would be easy and it certainly has been better.
2. Get Into William and Mary- Anyone who has talked to me in the last 4 or 5 months knows how obsessed I am with getting into that school and how paranoid I am that I won't get in. If/When I get that acceptance letter back from that school I will finally calm down. It's nice to actually have a goal fully accomplished and I couldn't be happier. As for the calming down point...I've calmed down so much that it's probably not a good thing.
3. Make Prom Amazing-Prom has always been this picture perfect movie scene image in my mind since I've been a little kid. I just really want to look good, feel good, and have a good time this year. I know there will probably be confusion involved, but I just want it all to be perfect once the time comes. No comment there...at this point I'm lucky if I make it to prom, and although europe will be amazing, its a very different thing and I don't find the two comparable.
4. Break First in Forensics- After three years and god knows how many hours with this club, I have breaks to show for it, but no first place trophy. I'd really like to get a first place by the end of my senior year. It would just give me a lot of confidence and pride in what I dedicated my life to the past 3 years. Still waiting...although my success has been a bit better than in the past
5. Become Content with My Love Life- Notice that I didn't say find love. I've basically come to the conclusion that being as this is my senior year, I'm leaving in a year, its not very likely or wise that I would get myself into a serious relationship that is pretty clearly only going to be temporary. Well, that's wonderful that I've concluded all that, but I'm still not happy with my conclusion. Basically, I just want to be able to accept and enjoy being single instead of just dying to go to college and start a relationship.Yeah, I am pretty much content there, so I guess that would be accomplished.
6. Good AP Scores- I have 5 AP classes this year, and while I know it is useless for me to even take the spanish AP test, I would really like to get 4s and 5s on my other tests. I think its possible, and it would make things a lot easier on me once I get to college, so that would be a really nice thing. I have not taken them yet, but since I have brought the number of tests I'm going to take down from 4 to 2, and the 2 left are english and gov, I think it's safe to say I'll be ok with getting that.
7. Complete Some Major Community Service Project- Lately I've been thinking about what I want to do with my life and as some of you may know, the only real passion I have that I can see myself wanting to persue to having children and a family. I've recently realized that I really love organizing events and making people, especially kids happy. One of the things I'd like to do is organize at least one large event that either is for kids or other people in need or to raise money for some sort of fund. I think if I'm able to do that, it would give the some sort of idea if that is also something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. I've been slacking here...I plan on doing something big for my 4th marking period leadership experience, but we'll see.
8. Lose Weight- Yes, I have said that year after year, and generally I do lose the weight, but then I gain it back. I have a goal to lose enough weight that I'm happy with the way I look by prom. I really don't know how much that is since I really dont know what I look like at various weights, but I want to feel comfortable with myself. Let's put it this way, I'm typing this between bites of peach pie...yeah, I gotta get on that.
Not bad I guess. I'm 4 for 8 ish