continuation, elaboration
August 23 2004, 13:00:14 UTC
be a non conformist like us!! how? by wearing the same clothing as us and listening to the same type of music. oh ok, where do I go to get it, Hot Topic, underground basement, urban mall. Yes I can be cool now. isn’t it sad that the preps are now more expressive than the underground cess pool of ex preps and unwanted nerds who so desperately wanted to be those preps. Yup individuality is dead, uniqueness is lying a in the morgue with a John Doe toe tag on and no sheet on cause it was probably never there. People are so scare to be seen bare that they conform to the norm which doesn’t exist (humans are ever so silly) from your punk to the hip-hop child to the wall-street exec in a 3 piece suit you are all mindless drones of manifest illusion. And how sad is humanity that the only safe place we can meet is in our own apartment over a machine were predators lurk just as evident as on park avenue at 3 in the morning looking for some hackless tourist to strip naked. SLAVES of Illusion. What happened to balance the search for quality not
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