welcome to SILVER HERO ICONS (
__silvericons). here's the rules and FAQ.
> DO credit if you use my icons. obviously, there's nothing i can do about it if you don't credit. well, besides make the icons friends-only view, but that would just suck.
> DO ask me to affiliate! i heart affiliates. you can just ask me in this post, or any random icon post. random is good.
> DO comment if you use my icons. you don't have to, but it's nice because i like to know where my icons are going. plus, it makes me feel special.
> DO NOT put my icons as 'free icons' on your journal and/or website. that's rude. cause you didn't make them, that's why.
> DO NOT whine about small text. that's a pet peeve. i almost always tell you what the small text says anyways, but on the occasion that i don't, it means i don't remember what it says or it's not meant to be read.
> DO NOT tell me if you don't like my icons. just go away instead.
> you can ask me to be affiliates in this entry or any other entry. all i ask is that you link me first and have decent icons.
> affiliates can be seen in the
user info. FAQ:
Q: do you take requests?
A: no, not right now. you can request all you want, but there's no guarantee i'll fill the request unless i want to make icons of whatever it is.
Q: will you help me code my layout?
A: sorry, no.
Q: will you affiliate with my journal?
A: sure, give me the link in a comment and link me back.
Q: if i friend this journal, will you friend me back?
A: actually, this journal is a community, so no. but you can friend this journal to see updates on your friends page. quite nifty.
Q: oh. well then will you friend me in your personal journal?
A: if you want to friend me, go to my journal (
__luckycharms) and ask to be friended. don't friend me only because you like my icons, because i assure you, i don't post any icons in that journal. :) but if you really want to be friends, you are more than welcome to friend me!
Q: will you make an icon of my dog for me if i give you pictures?
A: i'm sorry, no. but you can go to a request community and ask for that. try
_iconplease or
do a search.
Q: you seem really mean. so are you like really mean?
A: no, i may sound horrible in my rules and stuff, but that's only to get a point across that i really want the rules followed. i swear, i'm not THAT bad. XD
okay. now that the sticky part is over with, have a lookie at my icons.