10 years ago I was...:
- was weird
- collected action figures
- at hot wheels... haha
- lived with my mom
- hung out with trailor trash
5 years ago I was...:
- was a loser
- didn't have many friends
- was completly obsessed about Britney Spears... still am...
- in a secret relationship
- did some drugs i shouldn't have done
1 year ago I was...:
- loving life
- going to berkely every weekend with Aleksa
- wasting all my money at shows... still do
- not having stupid drama in my life
- became a diva.
Yesterday I...:
- went to the mall with chandra
- lost my phone
- hung out with some fag :)
- got home late
- hated life cuz i found out that i have to pay for rent now. ew
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. ice cream
2. green tea
3. in and out anything
4. snickers
5. cherry flavored condoms
5 songs I know all the words to:
1. i
2. am
3. a
4. boom
5. box
5 things I would do with 100 million dollars:
2. travel
3. buy a scion
4. buy my mom a home in san fran...
5. get a nose job
5 places I would run away to:
1. so cal
2. chandras
3. new york
4. a concert
5. australia
5 things I would never wear:
1. a football jersey
2. a bra... unless for some weird reason i get fat.
3. platfoms
4. a wwjd shirt
5. a bitch
5 favorite TV shows:
1. Laguna Beach
2. project runway
3. desprite housewives
4. simple life
5. realworld/roadrules/realworld-roadrules challenge
5 biggest joys:
1. my friends
2. paris hilton
3. my guess watch
4. my looks... sometimes
5. shows
5 fictional characters I would date
1. paris hilton... :)
2. i dont knwo
3. craig from degrassi so effing hot
4. tyler durden from fight club
5. YOU!
5 people I tag to do this:
2. Melissa
3. Ashley
4. Derek