wuddupXplaya: okay mr jones stop
wuddupXplaya: its dirty pop time
pure sunshine 84: lol
wuddupXplaya: sick and tired hearing all these people talk about
wuddupXplaya: whats the deal with this pop life and whens it ganna fade out
wuddupXplaya: then u gatta realize what were doin is not a trennnnnd
pure sunshine 84: we got the gift the melody
pure sunshine 84: we gonna bring it till the end
wuddupXplaya: lol!
wuddupXplaya: nsync was so fucking pimp
pure sunshine 84: you know it
pure sunshine 84: i actually hated them
pure sunshine 84: i was all about bsb
wuddupXplaya: I HATED BSB!
wuddupXplaya: fuckin nick carter was ugly
wuddupXplaya: i was all about JC
pure sunshine 84: um.
pure sunshine 84: i was all about brian from bsb
pure sunshine 84: annnnd lance fron nsync was ok
i normally would never ever put a conversation in here but it was funny. by the way dads going to turkey *what the fox?* for a week or so next week! another party... no more alchohol though
P.S. nick i can spell alchoholic now :-)