The Return of Loony, Loony!

Apr 29, 2006 19:30

Name: Erika
Age: 24

I. Describe yourself:
Hmmm. I could take the easy way out and copy most of what's in my bio, but I don't think that would fly here. Well, I'm obsessive compulsive, mostly when it comes to balance/order/even numbers. I like to consider myself well-read, although I'm really not- I tend to stick to sci-fi, fantasy and comics/manga when it comes to my library, although I'll happily tackle a summer reading list for education. I graduated high school and dropped out of college a few times, mostly for financial reasons except for the first time, where I dropped out and ran away to live with my mom because I wasn't ready for college and my dad + uncle didn't care. I want to go back to college someday and stick with it for sure, but I have no idea what direction I want to take there... library science, maybe, or computer building and repair... art, definitely. I love drawing and sometimes painting, especially on the computer, although I can't draw backgrounds or most objects... I'm fond of drawing bodies. :3 I'm very tall, and I don't like to shave, mainly because it's a pain in the butt to do. I used to attribute my body hair abundance to being 3/4ths German, but I recently found out that it's actually because I have PCOS and diabetes. I like to joke that my body knows I should have been a guy, and is trying to compensate for it! :D I used to be a control freak, probably because of my OCD, but I'm getting over that now, and like to let things flow on their own rather than meddling- although I tend to get extremely pissed off if someone else doesn't do the same. I'm pretty lazy, and I get sick often, which angers me because it cuts into my lazy time- vomiting, contrary to popular belief, is a tremendous workout, and can leave one quite sore. I'm paranoid- I always think people are criticizing me when I'm not looking. I'm a slob, too, sort of- if I live by myself, it's very easy to keep my surroundings clean, but when other people live with me or are around me, it gets much more difficult. I can never figure out why. I complain a lot, usually about my job or being tired. I'm pretty introverted and tend to not like people very much. This isn't because I'm afraid or anything silly like that. Granted, I am socially inept... but I just don't like lots and lots of people. :| However, I'm extremely loyal and sometimes even motherly to my friends. I have a deep, deep fondness for redheads and people in glasses... and I flip if it's a redhead in glasses. I'm bisexual, although the stipulations of that are strange- I love women very much, but usually as an art form. I get turned on artistically by them. Very strange. I'm also polyamorous- if humans were meant to find one mate and stick to that mate, then adultery would not be a common problem. However, I do not under ANY circumstance condone adultery- I would take monogamy over dishonest polyamory. I don't tolerate cheating, rape, or abuse at all. I do tech support and customer service for a call center- yeah, I know... call centers, ugh. Oh, and I talk too much. :D

II. What are some of your pet peeves?
I cannot stand small dogs. They are loud, obnoxious, pompous, and they smell funny. Small dog poop smells worse than any other dog poop I have ever encountered. This also goes for cat poop- it smells worse than anything I have ever encountered, PERIOD. I can't handle eating/mouth noises either. The last thing I want to hear when I'm paying attention to you is the sound of bubbles popping or food being chewed. I got enough of that from my dad, thanks. I don't like imbalance, either... if I can see a painting is lopsided on a wall, I want to straighten it, and if there ae more jelly beans in one handful than the other, I will even them out or get rid of the extras. I hate uneven things! Other standard peeves? People who don't listen, people who insist on being stupid, people who will not open their minds, people who pressure/force/order without proper authorization to do so, tight shoes, bad music, bad food, Murphy's law, hypocrisy, lying, drama (not the cool theatre kind), bills, ludicrous tax brackets, undeserved disrespect, and unexpected loud noises.

III. What is your take on religion?
Religion doesn't interest me. I've adopted numerous beliefs and faith habits along the way to my current standing, including reincarnation and, to an extent, karma. I've also stood witness to a good many others. I know there's a supreme something or somethings around here somewhere, but I don't care what they are, who they are, what gender they are, what they created, or what people think they want. If a deity wants me to know it exists and wants something from me, it can notify me itself. I get extremely offended if someone tells me I'm wrong for being agnostic. I'm not bothered by what people do or feel in their religions, as long as it doesn't hurt someone else (i.e., if your religion requires you to stab yourself in the face eight times at sunset, that's fine- but if it makes your mother cry, then I really don't think that's the path for you) or force me to be terrible enough to berate or disrespect. I realize that people need something to believe in, and for most of humanity, religion is a decent way to accomplish that sense of intangible security that a good door lock or teddy bear just can't do. I respect that, but I don't necessarily enjoy the fighting it causes. :/

IV. If you were a character in the Harry Potter series, which of the following would you be? (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born, Squib, or Muggle)
Hmm. Considering my general disposition and views, I would probably say muggleborn. I tend to be somewhat accepting of lots of different people, being a mutt myself. I also don't really like to immerse myself in a culture before I know anything of value about it, if I can help it. When it comes to my heritage and upbringing, though, I'd say halfblood. My dad's family is strictly Jewish and pretty much went into an uproar when he decided to go after not only non-Jewish women, but one of them part Cherokee at that. They are also not very happy with me for taking up with a half-Sioux... they're gonna be PISSED when I tell them we're engaged. :3

V. Which house do you not fit in at all?
Hufflepuff. From what I've read and seen of Hufflepuff denizens (and I won't claim to know everything, far from it- I'm sort of a Potter newbie), they are extremely tenuous, stubborn and goal-oriented, kind of like a good guard dog. I am not a guard dog. I'm more like a ferret or a cat. I get distracted by cool stuff, I'm better for entertainment than for reliability, and I'm often too lazy or self-absorbed to care much about the task at hand- and I have a terrible, terrible work ethic. :3

VI. How do you feel about inter-house relations?
Like I said in my preivous app, I'm not happy with the non-Quidditch/non-house cup rivalry, especially the animosity on the part of the prominent Slytherins (and I say this story-wise... no offense to those of you in that house). I don't mind houses fraternizing or otherwise interacting at all; in fact, I would encourage it. While socially inept myself, I like to see at least common courtesy and prefer amicability among the people around me. If someone is an ass to other people for no reason, I will be an ass right back... so I would probably get into quite a few scuffles with such people, but otherwise satisfied with the goings-on around me.

VII. If you recieved a Howler from your parents, what would it be for?
From my dad? Not doing my homework, purchasing school supplies that cost too much, skipping classes to hang around the library, having friends that take away from my studying time, having friends who make me want to go outside the school (even for Hogsmeade weekends), or other such not-so-studious activities. It rarely ever mattered to him that I finished my homework or that I couldn't understand it- he never helped me. It was pretty much "You suck at this! Get better! ....Well? Are you better yet?"
From my mom? Not writing to her, or not relaxing enough, or not having friends and diversions from monotonous schoolwork. That simple. I love my hippie mother. ♥

VIII. What would you die for?
There's no way I can make a huge explanation of this, because it's very straight-forward, so here's the answer from my previous app: The people I love, if I have to... otherwise, a pointless reason like falling out of a tower window after a rogue sock.

IX. If you found your best friend's diary would you read it? Your worst enemy's?
Yes and yes. As I said before, I'm harmlessly nosy. I would never tell either party about such a deed, though. And to be honest, because I'm vain or reverse-vain, I would usually read something like that to scrounge for anything they have to say about me. If my friend's, I want to know what she thinks of me, or find things she dislikes so I can improve them. If my enemy's, I want to know what they know about me to "cock-block" them, if you will... or the plain old finding incriminating information to blackmail them with someday. I'd probably look for any flaws either party finds in myself or other people, because as I mentioned before, I tend to be paranoid that people criticize me behind my back and I want to prevent that- the respect of your enemy is more tremendous and powerful than the respect of your friends. Your friends are usually easier to impress, or else they are more tolerant of your shortcomings and failures. Your enemies will find things to dislike, and the day they cannot is the day you win. :D (No, I am NOT fishing for Slytherin... that's something I learned on my own >_> )

X. What is your life's dream?
I don't really have an admirable one. Well, not admirable for great crowds of people and societies. My life's dream... is basically to find a person to build a strong and fulfilling relationship with, have them take care of me, and become a mother- a GOOD mother. I want to make a wildly successful webcomic and use my income from that to invest for a comfy retirement or education for my kid/s. I don't want to leave my house to work- I want my job to be keeping it clean and functional for my family. I don't want to affect the lives of people I don't know... don't get me wrong, I feel for and help as much as I can people like the losing families of 9-11 and hurricane survivors, etc... but I don't want to strive for changing the world or making my lasting mark on it. It's not important to me. Improving myself and cultivating my family is the gem of my future.

XI. What makes you unique? Explain.
This is an extremely difficult question to answer. None of my traits, qualities or flaws are unique. The way I think and act isn't unique, and neither is my thought process. All my "Rik-isms" were adopted from friends or role models. I use turns of phrase that people don't hear often, but every time I think I've invented one, it turns out that it was coined three years before. I don't try to be unique, and therefore don't think about it much. I'm sure there's something I'm overlooking that makes me me, but it's not coming to mind right now. I suppose that I'm unique because... I know I'm not. And while that in itself is not a unique quality, it's not a common one, either. Do I win yet? :)

XII. What sets you apart from the crowd?
My strange, natural-human smell, and my body hair. I hate synthetic girly kinds of stuff (except scrunchies and things that make my hair soft- yeay Jew hair!) and prefer pheromones (read: sweat) over perfumes and powders. My mostly-Ashkenazi heritage and my PCOS make body hair too persistent to bother with every day, so true to my lazy self, I just stopped shaving and I like being fluffy much more than being smooth. Plus it drives me wild to find other girls who don't shave. ♥ I'm also uncommonly tall, although I seem to have shrunk in the past few years- I used to be 6'4" and now I'm 5'11.5" for some reason. To strangers, I am maddeningly meek and polite unless they give me a reason not to be, but around my friends I'm sorta brazen and foolish.

XIII. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, lust) do you feel you possess the most?
Gluttony. Definitely gluttony. I can't stand when people say they're fat, because to me, fat/chunky/meat-on-your-bones is the only way to be, unless your body shape just plain dictates that you need to be pointy and fragile. Food is one of my greatest loves, and happens to be the reason I'm diabetic. Nothing in my life was a bigger blow to me than being told I can't eat my fill of pasta and bread anymore... and for all that, I still can't stop myself from snacking all day long. I just have to take truckloads of insulin now to accomodate my habits. :/ Sloth is a close second. If I'm not glutting, then I'm dicking around uselessly or napping. Like I said, I'm lazy, and I'm one of those rare types who will go out of their way to be lazy- put more effort into dodging a job, in fact, than it would take to do the job itself. I'm very fond of my sitting-around-doing-nothing time, and I get downright acidic when I'm deprived of even fifteen minutes of it.

Har! Hopefully this will un-Squibbify me. ^__^
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