Loony, loony

May 24, 2006 19:29


I. Describe yourself:I am a 22 year old, 4th year university biology student. I'm engaged to a sweet man who is 2 years (less 1 month and 1 week) older than me. I am interested in environmental and human rights issues. I have a variety of friends. Some are crazy and hyper, some are "normal", most would consider themselves on the geeky/nerdy/freakish side. I like chocolate and strawberries (not necessarily together). I like learning about new things. I like trying hard and doing well in whatever I attempt. I go through times of being completely secure with myself to being more insecure. I like spending time with people, especially over a meal. I like helping people. I have a fairly widespread personality. Sometimes I'm more logical, other times I'm more emotional. It depends on how well you know me and how I know you. For example, I'm more likely to show my logical/studious side if I met you through school. If I met you at my res, you're more likely to have a more complete idea of me. If we hang out in non school related activities, you're more likely to see my crazy/silly/funny side. Although I think my sense of humour comes through in all situations. I can be sarcastic sometimes and serious sometimes. I don't know what else to say. I hope this is long enough now. *sticks out tongue* I tend to be shy, until I get comfortable with people.

Oh yes and I'm from Canada, so if some of my spelling looks wrong, like colour or humour, that's why :)

II. What are some of your pet peeves? People who walk slowly (without politely allowing the faster person to pass). It drives me crazy when I'm running a bit late.

Waste of food/water: there is nothing wrong with the ends of bread, or eating the leftover supper for lunch. You do not need an hour shower! There really are people who are starving and who don't have access to running water. Just because you do, does not mean that you should be able to waste it.

People who leave lights on. This especially annoyed me when my landlord did it, because I'm paying for part of the utilities!

Double standards. I think this is self-explanatory. I know that there are some that are really hard to overcome, but in general, they shouldn't be there.

People who put profanity on public property. It's not funny and it just irritates me to no end. It's not your space, it's everyone's. Show some respect!

People who throw out their cans/bottles when the recycling bin is two steps away from the garbage. It takes you an extra 2 seconds! Recycling helps! Maybe not as much as if industry had to deal with it all, but still! It helps! Don't ruin our environment please!

III. What is your take on religion? It's generally a good thing, until the leaders don't allow the members to question it or they force them to kill others or themselves (but that's cults, which is a different issue completely). I don't like blanket statements, because really it's more than that. I enjoy having discussions about religion, but I often need time to think about different points and digest ideas. I have my own ideas and I am willing to share if people genuinely want to know and I know them somewhat. I would consider religion an important aspect in my life. At the same time, it annoys me when people talk about "religious experiences" and "spirituality". Perhaps it's because it reduces it to just that, an experience, which could just be a one time thing. I don't really know where this is going. It's just something I've had in my head and it's not something a community really needs to know. :)

IV. If you were a character in the Harry Potter series, which of the following would you be? (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born, Squib, or Muggle) I really don't know. I know that I wouldn't be pure blood. Maybe muggle born or half blood? They are just labels anyways. I don't think they make a difference. I mean in real life I don't really know where my ancient ancestors were from anyways. We kind of know where ancestors on my mom's side of the family came from, but not so much on my dad's side. Ooooh... do you think they were really magical? *giggles* Anyways, I think that while it's interesting to know where people came from, it's not important in the long run for what people can achieve.

V. Which house do you not fit in at all?Slytherin. I don't think I'm ambitious or cunning enough. I like getting things done, but I'd rather give up than do *anything* to get it done. I also have trouble actually figuring out what my goals/ambitions are. While I have some, I'm often scared to admit them for fear they won't happen or that people will laugh at them. I'd rather let things happen and be spontaneous.

VI. How do you feel about inter-house relations? *sings* Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?" Quite honestly, I think there should be more interaction between the houses. While it's fun to be around people who have similar traits and have competition, I think people from different houses should be friends and see how differences can complement each other and be the basis for friendship.

VII. If you recieved a Howler from your parents, what would it be for? Probably misplacing something. I am sometimes a scatterbrain. I tend to be absentminded when I'm thinking about something else (e.g., schoolwork) and I leave things places and forget about them. Although I don't think my parents really yelled at me all that much. Note: "i before e, except after c"! Received is spelled "received", not "recieved"! ^___^

VIII. What would you die for?There should be a way to solve things non-violently. It would have to be something that my death would result in the greater good or something like that. It's funny. Probably in highschool I would have said just about anything. But that was from a naivete that it would actually make a difference. Now I wonder more about if it would actually do any good or if it would just result in the person killing me and having me out of the way and then going on with their evil plan. On the other hand, if I was trying to rescue someone and ended up dying while doing that, I think that would be okay.

IX. If you found your best friend's diary would you read it? Your worst enemy's? I'd be tempted to, but resist. If my best friend wanted me to know about something, he/she would tell me. I don't have to go reading his/her diary to know about it. I don't think I actually have enemies. I try to live at peace with people and try to not make enemies. If for arguments sake, I had an enemy, I don't think I'd want to know what's going on in their crazy head.

X. What is your life's dream? To do something worth while. I would like to teach. Not sure if I'm cut out for it though. I've liked my experiences as a teacher's aid. I have no idea if I could do it on my own though.

I've never been one of those people who always knew what they wanted to do. I am still figuring it out. I really enjoy my biology courses (although biotech is kinda boring right now!).

I can't wait to become a wife. It's something that I've always wanted, that and having kids, but not yet obviously. My dream at the moment is to find a cure for adenomeiosis and endometriosis, but the fact that I don't like blood (makes me faint sometimes) means that it probably won't happen. If you don't know what those are, they are diseases that only affect women. Since I'm guessing that there will be males and females sorting me, I won't go into graphic details. :) The main symptom is painful periods. I think it would be neat to make an artificial uterus, so that women who need to have a hysterectomy, could still have "natural" childbirth if they wanted.

My short term "dream" is to plan a good wedding. I have trouble planning things in general and I'm having trouble wading through the commercialism that is weddings of today.

XI. What makes you unique? Explain. Everyone is unique. I don't think I'm all that special. I have experiences that no one else has experienced in quite the same way or feels things the exact same way. I've recently visited Angola (Africa). Does that make me unique? I have unique fingerprints and DNA. :) Oh! I have fairly long hair (down to my waist now). I cut it once and donated it to love locks or whatever the foundation is called that makes wigs for cancer patients.

XII. What sets you apart from the crowd? I don't always like everything mainstream. I don't like doing things just because everyone else is doing them. I like to think about what I'm doing before I do them. I don't *try* to stand out in a crowd. I tend not to seek attention from everyone or try to be the centre of everything. This question is really the same as the question above in my opinion.

XIII. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, lust) do you feel you possess the most? I tend to go through cycles of being very productive and then times of being lazy and not wanting to do anything, so I guess it's sloth. When I'm in the lazy mood, it's hard to talk myself into doing work. I am also sometimes envious of others. I can usually talk myself out of it though and just feel really happy for the other person.
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