Hope this entry is more appropriate... sorry about the short one last time.
I. Describe yourself: I am medium height and medium weight, my hair is medium brown. I joke that I have the most average appearance ever as far as size goes.. I can never get a thing on sale because I'm size medium in everything. I have curly hair, blue eyes and lots of freckles and very pale skin. That does it for looks, nothign too exciting. As far as personality goes, it's hard to describe that in concrete terms. I always kind of think of describing myself in things I love I guess... I love music. I have played the piano for 11 years and I try to practice at least 3 hours a day, although now that I have a job that is really difficult. I also love to sing although I am not fabulous at it, it is something to work at and makes me happy inside. I've always loved to read...ever since kindergarten I've been insatiable about books. My favorite things to read are the classics and also philosophy. Right now I'm reading Scaramouche by Rafael Sabatini; it is a historical romance about the French Revolution and I love it because the character is very witty, charming, and occasionally despicable. Some of my other favorites are Harry Potter books of course (especially the Goblet of Fire), Gone With the Wind, His Dark Materials, the Anne of Green Gables books, Kartography, and The Great Gatsby. (Sorry those are not underlined... I'm not computer literate enough to figure it out and I'm too lazy to switch to rich text). I'm a very quirky person... I tend to look at situations differently than most. I also am constantly in search of "kindred spirits" - people that I can connect with on every level and feel completely comfortable with. What else to say about myself? I am easily annoyed but I'm trying to work on that and have a better attitude about life. I tend to get too intense and overstressed about school, work, and music. I try to be compassionate as much as possible.
II. What are some of your pet peeves? There are a few things that really drive me crazy... I really dislike when people eat fruit noisily and smack their lips. It's kind of a petty thing... but it drives me nuts. Another thing that drives me crazy is false maturity. What I mean by that is people that are so convinced that they are more mature than everyone around them, that they end up acting immature by being complete snobs and thinking that everything good in life is beneath them. I also get really irritated when people intentionally exclude others - such as rubbing inside jokes in other people's faces or making sure that certain people are not invited to whatever is going on that night. I mean, it's ok to dislike someone, but it's vile to make someone a pariah. Also, I hate when people say they want to discuss with you about something, when really all they want to do is bash on something. To me a discussion means listening and considering both sides of an argument, not beating one to the ground and refusing to even look at the other.
III. What is your take on religion? I've always been really religious. I don't really like talking about it too much on the internet because a lot of people bash on religion. But I love God and religion is an important part of my life.
IV. If you were a character in the Harry Potter series, which of the following would you be? (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born, Squib, or Muggle) I would probably be Muggle born because although my parents are wonderful, I wouldn't say they're magical. They are very down to earth and sensible people. Although my dad does think he's a cowboy. I tend to be the weird one in my family, so it would be fitting if a letter showed up saying I was a witch and I was being sent off to school.
V. Which house do you not fit in at all? I can see characteristics of mine fitting into all the houses. I am intellectual and intense, or I guess "clever" like Ravenclaw, intense and sometimes sinister like Slytherin, and I really value bravery (courage is somethign I'm working on improving in my life...I'm trying to be more willing to be spontaneous and try new things) like Gryffindor, and I try to be friendly and hard-working like Hufflepuff. But I think Hufflepuff is the least because although I try to be compassionate I don't always succeed, and also I am very intense, which isn't a trait I see in Hufflepuff although I could be wrong. Also, I tend to get into black moods every once in a while, which doesn't fit with my idea of Hufflepuff.
VI. How do you feel about inter-house relations? I think everyone should try to get along... Obviously there will be competition but I don't think people should only interact with members of their own houses.
VII. If you recieved a Howler from your parents, what would it be for? Most likely, for being impatient with my brother and sister. Or for just generally freaking out when I'm upset. I think that bothers them more than anything. To be honest I don't really disagree with my parents too often, I'm pretty disciplined.
VIII. What would you die for? There are a few people I would definitely die for... my sister, my brother, my parents, my boyfriend, my group of friends... and honestly if I was in a situation where I could save someone I probably would. Better to die helping someone than live with guilt my whole life. I would also die to defend beliefs, whether moral or religious.
IX. If you found your best friend's diary would you read it? Your worst enemy's? Definitely not my best friend's. I would kill anyone who read my personal journal and so I wouldn't do that to someone else. My worst enemy's... I like to think that i'd be honorable enough not to but I'm a really curious person... I guess I probably would.
X. What is your life's dream? I'm trying to figure that out right now. I'm going to college in 68 days (can't wait!) and I'm still not sure what exactly I want to do as far as a career goes. I have a sort of vague dream of opening up a private school and structuring the curriculum exactly how i want it but I would have to have a lot of money for that. So we'll see. I want to study law but I don't know if I want to be a lawyer. My dad always says I'm going to end up being a professional student because there is so much out there that I want to learn about. I also want to get married and have tons of kids. I know that's cliche but I want to find a soulmate who is the love of my life... and I really believe that there is someone out there I can be happy with forever. I would also love to publish a book someday... and publish a song for piano... I have a lot of small dreams. None of them all-consuming. But maybe the great passion of my life is out there. I also want to travel ALL OVER and see as much as I can to see of the world and people.
XI. What makes you unique? Explain. I think the fact that I'm ambitious makes me unique, and also that I think so much about decisions before I make them. The practicing 3+ hours a day is a little different as well. I'm really goal-driven and really work on improving myself in all areas of life. But this doesn't mean that I can't interact with people socially or that I just stay in the house all day reading... although I do have days like that. I'm still able to have a life... I think I'm good at finding balance in my life, which is sometimes rare.
XII. What sets you apart from the crowd? I think this question is a lot like the one above it but I'll try not to repeat too much. Ambition, thinking a lot about things, searching for truth. I don't know if most people my age are like that. I always want to look deeper and find more about people. I always really want to KNOW people, not just the surface mask they show to everyone. Also, I have the most diverse tastes in everything. If you clicked shuffle on my ipod, you'd get a little bit of Jason Mraz, the Rocket Summer, Jamie Cullum, Christian music, Miles Davis, and an Aaron Copland symphony. I like to mix it up, and I refuse to follow stereotypes. If you look in my closet you'll see the same thing. I don't dress preppy, or artsy, or punk. I wear fishnets and converse to church with my "preppy" skirt. I just wear what I want, if I like it I'll get it. I don't care if other people think I'm trying to dress a certain way or not.
XIII. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, lust) do you feel you possess the most? Probably envy. I've often caught myself looking at other people's lives and wishing that I could have friends like that, that I could have grown up like that, etc. Also, when girls go to visit my boyfriend, it drives me up a wall, even though I know he wouldn't go after them behind my back. And I hate being excluded. So yes, envy. Bad me.