Loony, Loony so... baboony?

Jul 14, 2006 16:56

Name: Kat
Age: 17

I. Describe yourself: Physically: I’ve always been too tall for my age (currently 183cm/6ft and it seems I’ve stopped growing at last!). I have dark brown, slightly wavy shoulder-length hair which does not want to be tamed, and eyes that change between shades of blue and green. I am quite physically strong, despite being slim (I can make this conclusion out of the fact that I was picked for the Grade’s Tug-of-War team every single year. Only 4 girls per class!). I am also fortunate enough to have ‘inherited’ my mum’s indifference and tolerance to pain, and when I was small I was very active and constantly bruised because I just didn’t notice any pain.

Mentally: I’m not good at describing myself, simply because who I really am is never certain. My friends say I’m modest, and I guess I can see it being that way because I don’t really feel comfortable accepting compliments. I’m always finding a way to prove them wrong, somehow. My mum says that she’s spotted that every time I get congratulated for my achievements it motivates me to become better. I guess from there I started setting very high expectations which haven’t always been met but I think that if you don’t try, you fail before you even begin. My high expectations can be a pain sometimes but I can get over things fast, because I believe that I will achieve my dreams if I just put that little bit of extra effort in. I consider myself to be very determined. I’m always ready to do something different and new just to see what it’s like. I’d love to do some of the extreme sports, like skydiving, hang gliding or water skiing. Anything that screams fun and promises some great memories attracts my attention immediately. I usually want/need quite a bit of activity in my life or else I become sad or bored. In a way, I love work that’s full of stress and challenge. And I find I work best under stress conditions anyway. Maybe that’s why all my homework is always extremely last-minute, though I do still get very decent grades in all my subjects. I also love to travel all over the place. I’ve been everywhere in Europe now, and my dad and I are beginning to explore the rest of the world one sight-seeing area at a time. Egypt’s next in line!

I’ve been called intelligent before, but I guess that comes from my parents and childhood video-love. I guess I have a wide range of knowledge because pretty much everything interests me at some point or another because I’m very curious. I enjoy having the occasional philosophical conversation, too, because I enjoy sharing my opinions with others and seeing things from other perspectives as well as sharing knowledge. But I can get snappy towards anyone who is always trying to prove someone else wrong. I’m really not a book person. There are very few books that have grabbed my attention for long enough. I’d much rather watch a good film or draw. I’m more of a visual person, which kind of explains why I fail at putting thoughts into words. I’m rubbish at explaining anything without confusing people three times all over again. I learn more from pictures than words, really. I think I observe things too much for my own good. I make loads of analytical assumptions which make no sense and are generally random. I’d love to just lean back and enjoy life without looking at it from every possible angle, but it’s not always easy to do. I’m not really open with other people, and usually put up an act so they don’t see what’s really going on. I just think it solves a lot of things and people have enough of their own problems anyway.

Otherwise, I’m also described as funny. I enjoy making people laugh because it makes me happy seeing someone else happy. My jokes are usually stupid, but occasionally I have managed to get the whole room laughing. I also deal with embarrassment through laughter. I’ve had the occasional stupid moment but I’ve just learned to laugh at myself in these situations. Life becomes so much more relaxing! Because of this, I’m not easily truly embarrassed and don’t mind acting like a fool in front of other people. People think I’m a little clumsy but I still think that that’s only because I’m an accident magnet. I have a small circle of very close friends who I am extremely loyal to and would do almost anything for. Though I just cannot give out good advice to save my life… I kind of enjoy meeting new people though I’m really not a very social person. I need my personal space and time and can get annoyed easily if denied this for a long time. But usually I’m a relatively cheerful, life-loving person.

I’ve noticed that I have a pretty short attention span, and can get aggressive or angry easily. I’ve learned to control it, though I still get angry over small things. But I don’t let insults or criticism get to me or destroy me, because I believe I have a strong character. I usually just ignore the accusation or come up with a fitting reply (though that usually happens a few days after everything has been settled, heh). I stand up for my opinions and views and defend them fully. I won’t let people walk all over me, and I’ve proven that ever since Grade 2. I have been called stubborn at times, and given the evidence I can’t really disagree :P It’s a trait from my grandfather, I swear! I can also get very competitive with sports. There’s obviously the fact that it’s not serious, but somehow making it serious and being really into it is always a blast for me. I don’t really enjoy being the centre of attention with large groups, but when I’m with my close friends we’re all equally active and it’s enjoyable. I’m not a natural leader, but I can if I need or want to, for example with organisation or when defending a point. I can be very loud or very shy, depending on who I’m with. I’m not easily intimidated by people and even if I am I try not to show it. I am scared of high winds and that horrible way spiders move, but at the same time I find both fascinating.

II. What are some of your pet peeves?
- People who have no determination or put no effort into life annoy me. Where is the fun in life if you’re not prepared to accept a challenge? I get aggravated when people focus more on their “image” and “reputation” even if it means not doing something they’d enjoy if they were alone. It’s also annoying when people don’t laugh at themselves. I admit that I do try and teach people to learn to laugh at themselves and not take everything so dramatically and offensively.

- People who whine about life and do nothing to make it better. Now one is going to do anything about it except THEM and it drives me up the wall that they don’t realise it. I have achieved things because I put a butt load of effort into them and I really don’t think you should expect someone to do everything for you. A lot of kids nowadays are so spoilt it makes my blood boil.

- Ugh, people please stop cracking your knuckles or neck or whatnot! I cannot stand that sound. It’s like someone’s breaking my bones or something. That hollow, crunchy sound… It gives me the creeps. I always get the feeling that the bones are just being torn off or something. I still don’t get why people do it, even!

- Small children. I have very, very low tolerance for small children. I’m pretty confident that when I’m older I’ll have a billion pets instead of kids. I was asked to look after a 4 year old (now almost 11, wow!) some years ago and ever since then my hate for small children has been increasing. He wasn’t so bad, it’s just that he wanted constant attention and I always had to let him win at everything (being slightly proud sometimes, it wasn’t always easy to do without a grimace). Children require incredible amounts of attention, dedication, teaching and so on, and they can be deceiving and cruel and completely ignore everything you’ve ever done for them as they get older. I don’t want to submit so much of my time into something that might eventually turn around and bite me in the face. Animals will never betray you like that, and you can never, EVER be truly angry at them. My dog just starts pulling her puppy face and I cannot help but cuddle her. Children? They slobber. Ugh. So generally, that’s why I generally am more fond of animals that most people.

- Myself, in a way. Some of the things I’ve said or done… oh boy.

III. What is your take on religion? I think religion is a great guideline for people, though they should never take it literally and always have their own interpretations and opinions. I say people can believe whatever they want to believe as long as it gives them hope, drive and whatever else they need in life. I’m perfectly fine with that, I think everyone should have a guiding light in life. It’s when they start trying to persuade other people that their beliefs are of more value and use to others that it annoys me.

I consider myself to be agnostic. I have my own beliefs based on what I have experienced. I don’t believe in a character-type deity, just some kind of higher power we know nothing about, kind of like a Mother Nature figure. Something that’s all around us and we can see but don’t realise it. It’s fun to speculate in different situations, hehe. I can’t say I believe in karma or miracles, but there are some aspects of some religions I really respect. A lot of my own determination comes from friends and family, something I am really eternally grateful to have. But occasionally my thoughts are my drive and I persuade myself to keep going. It’s all a matter of what you prefer, really, and whether it’s a book, a god-like character or yourself is not such a big deal.

IV. If you were a character in the Harry Potter series, which of the following would you be? (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born, Squib, or Muggle) Probably half-blood. I am currently growing up with two different cultures as it is. I am Russian and grew up in Moscow until I moved to Austria when I was 4. Since then, I live a Russian culture in my family, but have to accept the lifestyle and culture of Austria. I’m pretty much used to and comfortable with both.
Both my parents are pretty much opposites, too. My dad grew up in a relatively high-class family and had a lot of privileges because his mother was a journalist. My mother grew up in a very simple family that was considered to be more lower class, and has a lot more experience with simple things that make life easier.
Then again, tracing my family back to some time in the 1700’s, my ancestors were of royal-type and apparently I’ve still got some of that “royal blood” in my system, so I could probably be a pure-blood as well. Either way, I don’t think it really matters. It’s not about what you’re labelled as to me.

V. Which house do you not fit in at all? I don’t think there’s any house I wouldn’t fit in - I consider to be a little bit of all. I’m loyal, I love to learn, I heartily enjoy a daring challenge and I am very ambitious about certain things. But I guess the one I wouldn’t be too suited in would be Hufflepuff - I would feel intimidated by that house. Everyone there seems to be cheerful, friendly, always helpful and hard-working. I do try to be helpful and giving as much as I can but I do have quite a few moments when I am greedy, lazy, mean and just downright unpleasant. I also have very little patience and would probably end up snapping at people all over the place after a while. I have friends who do fit the “hufflepuff” description perfectly though and am very close with some of them, but I’m just not sure I would fit with them permanently. But, obviously, whatever house I am chosen for I will make an effort to be more part of, because to me it's not the house label that matters, but more the person as an insividual.

VI. How do you feel about inter-house relations? I’m all for it. I go to an international school and we’re pretty much from all over the world. Not to mention my Grade - we’re more like a huge family and I don’t really know who’s in which class anymore! While we used to be same-gender-friends-only, now we’re all mixed and it’s really great, in my opinion. I think knowing different people and their personalities helps understand them better. It’s much easier to sympathise. My closest friends and I are all different from each other. There’re four of us and we’ve actually had some fun and realised that if Hogwarts existed we’d probably be sorted each into a different house.

Having everything house-only would just be singling people out, in my opinion. I am all for competition between the houses since that stimulates progress, but people should also learn to work with each other because often many different ideas and opinions make you look at your progress differently, and may make it better for everyone.

VII. If you recieved a Howler from your parents, what would it be for? I’d probably receive one for being out after hours all the time. I just have a thing for sneaking around when I’m not supposed to be, it gives me that sense of risk I’m always trying to find. I’d be extremely keen on finding hidden passageways and whatnot. I’ve gone wandering off during school trips before so I don’t think it’ll change for Hogwarts! I’d also probably be shouted at for going somewhere dangerous or forbidden in the castle grounds because I’m very curious and all for a little more adventure in my life. I love exploring all kind of different places, which I where my love for travelling comes in. As well as that, I’m very stubborn about the things I love and have gotten into hefty arguments with teachers about it, so maybe my parents would send me something and tell me to stop arguing with them.

VIII. What would you die for? I don’t think I can answer this question truthfully. Theoretically, I would die for the things that are dearest to me: my family, my pets and my friends. I’m very positive that I would die for my family if it meant saving them, and my pets are part of my family. I think that’s half-way because I wouldn’t be able to live with the truth that I could’ve done something to prevent their deaths, and I downright don’t think I’d manage if they were all taken. But I wouldn’t just blindly sacrifice myself and first always look at alternative ways it could work - a family isn’t complete if someone is lost, and no matter who it is it’ll hurt just the same. I feel a bit sad saying I would probably only risk my life for very few people, those being my closest friends who have stuck to me through both good and bad times. I value trust and loyalty and would never let them down.

But I can’t really say because I’ve never really been in that situation. I do stand up for the above three though, and I’d go through hell and back for them. I am also very patriotic, but probably not to such an extent that I would die for my country (though I do go crazy anytime Russia takes part in a sporty event).

I wouldn’t necessarily die for, but I’d sacrifice a lot of myself for the things I believe in. For example, being a very environmental person, I know I’d love to go to school by car. But the whole issue with cars has made me realise that taking the bus would be better even if it means I have to follow VERY strict time-deadlines (and being someone who is late to many things… eek) and so on. I enjoy it somewhere at the back of my mind because I feel I really am doing the right thing even if it’s not always pleasant.

IX. If you found your best friend's diary would you read it? Your worst enemy's? I have occasionally stumbled upon my friends’ diaries and personal online journal entries, but I have yet to want to read them. Though I’ll admit I have occasionally stumbled upon things my friends left lying around and couldn’t help my curiosity... As for my enemies, I’m not sure. I guess it depends on how much of an “enemy” they are. I’d probably take a sneak peak but not mention it to anyone. My reasons are simple: I value personal space and privacy and know how embarrassing and uncomfortable it is when someone purposefully reads about things you’d rather keep to yourself. Then again, you should never leave things like that just lying around for anyone to pick up…

X. What is your life's dream? My life’s dream is simple: happiness. I want to be at a point where I am just happy. When I have settled down knowing who I am, when everything I’ve done or achieved has been worth it. I want to know that I have made a significant difference to the world because no matter what my job interest might be that’s what I want to end up doing. I also want to travel and have memories of stupid but fun experiences with my friends I can always look back to when I’m feeling lonely and need a little laugh. And I want to learn to fly (helicopters, hang gliders, parachutes, planes! ANYTHING! I only wish the real world had a couple of them racing brooms available…)!

XI. What makes you unique? Explain. My genes! Okay, so biology-geekness aside, I have experienced life differently from everyone else. I also seem to be one of the few people who can laugh at themselves. I am ambidextrous, and I don’t mind eating broccoli. Shocking, isn’t it? I guess I can also mention that I have always suspected there was something strange about my family and me. I’ve had some very odd experiences with luck, for example. When I was small I used to really believe in magic, and even now strange things can happen if I’m around (my friends keep insisting anything I stare at hard for long enough explodes. It’s happened with a couple of lightbulbs, a balloon, and a few children (though they didn’t explode, heh. They just randomly tripped over something)). Looking at it scientifically, my dad has what he assumes to be a very strange biofield - he’s busted a lot of computers just by standing next to them (and when he left they worked fine again). So maybe it’s something to do with that.

Otherwise, “unique” is a silly word. Because, you know, you’re unique! Just like everybody else!

XII. What sets you apart from the crowd? Well, despite my head sticking out of it for being too darn tall for my own good, I think it’s my love for challenge. I also don’t mind acting or looking stupid in front of a lot of people. I have a crazy love for speed, “low” heights and loud noises. I am always seeking for the fun side of life. Always something that will get my adrenalin working, to get away from the black and white of modern life. This could be trip to the amusement park or a walk in the forest. I have not met many people who share this passion. I think my main influence was my brother. We’re so alike when it comes to these things is scary! I recently read a whole load of horoscope zodiac type books, even though I’m not superstitious and don’t believe in horoscopes it’s still amusing to read them from time to time to see how amazingly wrong they usually are. But I did stumble upon a very long description of my type according to my star-sign and birth date and it says that I am someone who likes the rush of excitement. It made me giggle. Always a kid at heart…

XIII. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, lust) do you feel you possess the most? Probably wrath. I can get angry about simple things, and small nuisances cause large explosions and incredible amounts of self-control. I have never really physically hurt someone but had a very strong desire to do so many times. I can also be very proud, but I try not to show it too much. I am proud of how I have developed in the past years, and I am proud of my country even though we’re a bunch of very lazy people.
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