Edited: got rid of all the BOLD
Hope this makes it easier for people to sort me. I'm looking forward to knowing which house I'll be in.
Sort me today, don't delay, you'll be missing out otherwise!
Name: Rachael Amie
Age: 19
I. Describe yourself:
Physical: 5' 4" (shorty), long black n red hair, green eyes, i wear glasses, i have a lip piercing & a tattoo of tinkerbell on my right hip
Emotional: I have a short fuse-very quick to anger, i just find the slightest things wind me up. I have a tendency to bottle things up until I explode (when I explode you don't want to be anywhere near me!).
I get upset easily, i cry at the dumbest things for example just recently I cried at an episode of Hollyoaks & I sobbed my heart out at the last episode of Doctor Who. I relate to a lot of films & songs. I think I read into them too much & try to put myself in that position.
My friends would say that I am the sort of person that everyone finds easy to talk to about anything. They have always said that the look at me like a big sister even though I am younger than some of them.
I have an amazing outlook on life, I see colours & shapes & all thats in between, nothing to me is black & white, there is always a middle. Everything in this world happens for a reason, we have a plan laid out for us with various paths we can go down, the choices we make determine which path we walk.
II. What are some of your pet peeves?
Injustice-why should a murderer be given life for his/her crime & a rapist be given life but told they could be out in a few years? To me life is life & nothing should change that. In my eyes rape is as serious if not worse than murder. It seems like we are being told that rape (& child abuse) is ok.
Prejudice-how can you form an opinion on someone or something you haven't met or tried without all the facts? I hate the fact that we live in a society full of stereotypes. Personally I get judged everywhere I go for 3 reasons
a, I have been in care since the age of 3. People assume that kids in care run riot, hang around on street corners, underage drinking, underage sex, cause trouble, in & out of prison. Let me tell you now, that is not the case. Fair enough some people are like that, please don't tar us all with the same brush.
b, I am bisexual. I admit it's getting better but sometimes when me & my girlfriend are walking around town holding hands, we hear a lot of comments & see a lot of funny looks. I just wish some people would let us get on with it.
c, I am a Witch. I have been studying Wicca for nearly 2 years now & I love every minute of it. I just can't stand some people with their old fashioned ideas, telling me it's the devils work, I'm going to go to hell. Jut leave me alone. I don't walk around preaching to you about your religion do I?
III. What is your take on religion?
Like I just said I am a Witch. You may not agree with my religion, I may not agree with yours. In my eyes no matter what religion you are it all comes down to one thing, we all believe in a higher power, we all believe somthing/someone created the Earth, Universe etc. I call my higher power The Goddess, you may call is something else but we are all doing the same thing, praying, worshiping & giving offerings to the one we believe is our creator.
IV. If you were a character in the Harry Potter series, which of the following would you be? (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born, Squib, or Muggle)
If I go by my religion then I would say Muggle Born. Due to the very simple fact that me becoming a Witch was my choice, it's not in my blood.
If I go by my personality & the boooks & working it out that way than I would say I'm Half-Blood. I have Witchlike tendencies (at least I think I do, do correct me if I'm wrong), I'm fascinated by Witchcraft so it must have come from somewhere if you get my drift.
(sorry can't think of anything else to say)
V. Which house do you not fit in at all?
I think I have a mixture of all the houses but if I had to narrow it down to one house that I feel I wouldn't belong to it would have to be Ravenclaw.
I see Ravenclaw as an acedemic house, where one is wise & willing to learn. That is just not me. I need action & adventure, something to stop me from getting bored, I can't just sit still & read books & listen to teachers for hours on end. I need stimulation.
VI. How do you feel about inter-house relations?
I'm all for it, bring it on. Just as long as it doesn't end up being all nicey-nicey coz that would be just boring. There should be a lot more stress on inter-house relations from the teachers & I think there should be fun ways of making this happen. Maybe quidditch matches where a team of players from all house teams play against another team of players from all house teams. A little healthy competition didn't hurt anybody! This gives students the opportunity to learn to work with people other than those in their house. Another idea would be to say once a term make the students sit with students from other houses during dinner.
VII. If you recieved a Howler from your parents, what would it be for?
I would love to recieve one for pulling a prank on Snape but I doubt that would happen. So it would probably be for never doing any homework or being caught in the grounds after bedtime. I would need someone like Hermione to push me every night to do my homework. I would never expect someone to do it for me (I don't agree with cheating) but it would be good to have someone around that knows what they are doing. As for stopping me going into the grounds at night, stop telling me I'm not allowed than the fun will be taken out of it, if not then chain me to my bed every night!
VIII. What would you die for?
My nephew. Nothing in this world matters to me more than him. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to him, I would think it was my fault if anyhting did even if I wasn't there at the time. He makes me happy, puts a smile on my face. He's the reason I get out of bed in the morning, he's the reason I'm taking a lot moer care of myself.
IX. If you found your best friend's diary would you read it? Your worst enemy's?
I would never in a million years read my best friends diary if i found it. I would tell her to find a better place to keep it though. If I can find it then who knows who else could get their grubby little mitts on it!
I would only read my worst enemy's diary if I thought they had done something to me that warrents me snooping into her private life like that.
Having said all that I would read my best friends/worst enemys diary if I thought that reading it would help them.
X. What is your life's dream?
To become a physiotherapist. This has been my dream since Jonny Wilkinson got injured during the 2003 Rugby World Cup! I want to specialise in Sports-Therapy. I like helping people & I feel like this would be a good career path for me. In September I am starting my training for it, should take me about 10 years to become fully qualified.
XI. What makes you unique? Explain.
I am a non-conforming conformist! You're probably wondering what the hell I'm going on about, sometimes I wonder myself! I'm not the sort of person to follow the crowd, I like to be my own person & stick to my own beliefs but sometimes I worry too much about what people think of me so I go with the crowd for a while. When I'm around people that know me I don't care, I keep on being me. When I'm meeting new people I change to try to blend in. For example when I moved into my student accommodation I dressed & acted like a chav basically, once I got to know the people I was living with a bit better I stopped living the lie & showed them who I truly am. They have all told me that the person I am now is much better than the peron I was trying to be.
XII. What sets you apart from the crowd?
To me this question is the same as the above question just written differently. If you really want an answer I would have to say I have a very surreal sense of humor. The only person I have met that is like me with that would be my ex-boyfriend. I don't find 'jokes' amusing, I like stories, surreal images, making things up as I go along. Not only is my sense of humor surreal it can be quite dark & sadistic at times. I once thaough of a great tv show call Phoedophile Island. If you wanna know you have to ask!
XIII. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, lust) do you feel you possess the most?
Envy & Lust equally. I say this because they can sometimes be the same thing. Lust isn't nessecccerally sexual, you can lust after someone elses possesions which is basically the same as being envious of someone elses possesions.
I am an envious person, I don't like other people having what I don't have. This all comes from not having a family of my own. I don't think it's fair that some people are better of than others in the world.
I am full of lust. I have never been in love, but I have been in lust a few times. Somethimes it can be quite confusing, hard to work out which one it is. Instead of saying I Love You I say I Lust You!