your name & age: Alyson and 16
- your top bands:top 5. go.
the unseen
Forces of evil
Anti flag
Suburban legends
Workshirt wonder
- why should you be in this community?: Simple. Im that :cool. pretty. Fashionable ( enough of the time)
- if accepted, will you be brutally honest to applicants? will you tell them things such as they desperately need a facelift?: being honest is half of what im bieng good at.
- favorite makeup brand:I dont buy it. so i dont kow.
- any piercings? if not, do you want any?:I should be getting my belly button soon, i want a lot though.
- whats your "style"? what kind of clothes do you like/wear, etc.:Punkish sometimes. MOre casual lately though. tight and small shirts. tight girl pants. skirts.
- now, post AT LEAST FOUR pictures of yourself. more than four are always welcome.
this one just becuase it has a different look to it than most of my pictures.
And a lil more of me than my cam shows.
I have more if they are wanted, these are probably some of my best as far as recency goes however.