christy or glenn changed my journal and deleted all my codes. luckily, i had the same ones on another journal. ugh. i couldn't figure out the code i used for the background and the color tables i use were down. i was so mad. i guess this one will do for now. why are people so mean?
i can't stand my friends. (well, i can't stand christy and glenn.) they can always find something to make fun of me for and i'm sick of it. i don't even want them as friends anymore. i never stopped thinking that glenn is only nice when not around other people. i hate having mean friends. if you two read this, have fun talking about me.
__summerstars's LJ stalker is ready___go!ready___go is stalking you because you got better results for the 'acronym' thing than them. They are also prank calling you regularly!
hiiiii. i went to the beach today. tara came down to see me and we scared people by meowing and running with toilet paper. i don't like cody because he's a brat. i'm going to barnes and noble later. i had a good day. bye.