(no subject)

Feb 01, 2011 23:19

is writing something that you enjoy doing?
Sometimes, but nothing super serious. I don't write prose or anything. Blog posts, like crazay.

---would you rather read or write?
Read. I like learning new things.

would you rather draw or take photographs?
Photographs. Drawing takes too much patience and doesn't appease my ADD. With photography, I feel less like I'm creating beauty, just documenting the beauty that's already there. I can recognize its allure more easily and with less arrogance.

do you prefer black and white or color photographs? why?
It really depends. I've seen examples of both that range from stunning to shitty.

what was the last thoughtless thing you did?
Convinced my boyfriend to go through the McDonald's drive through with an offer to pay, before realizing I didn't have my purse with me.

what is one movie you've seen, but few others have?
My big one is Teeth, but I'm not really clutching to it in a strive for superiority. I try to expose as many people as possible to it. Not everyone is willing.

---how about a movie you haven't seen, but many others have?
The King's Speech and True Grit are the big ones I'm itching to see right now.

what is something you do subconsciously?
Talk in my sleep.

who was the last person to toy with your emotions?
I don't know. Not many people do, so I can't think of anyone. Maybe my ex, but I can't think of examples, necessarily.

when was the last time you cheated at something?
The last time I stole? Does that count as cheating?

is breakfast an important meal to you?
Sure, I eat a little something. Usually a banana or a granola bar.

why do you get up in the morning?
Usually because I have to go to work.

who influenced your current belief / moral system?
My brain, and a combination of authors, musicians, artists, etc. who were important to me in my formative years.

anything you need with you to fall asleep?
Sometimes I need to hug/hook my leg over an extra pillow, and sometimes I need to read for a little bit to get sleepy. Otherwise, nah.

do you have any nighttime routines that you follow?
Take my pants off, take my bra off, take my pill, go to bed.

when was the last time you had trouble sleeping?
The last time the boyfriend was super drunk and snored all night...

do you celebrate the 20th of april?
No, I'm not 15.

at what age is one too old to trick or treat?
Who cares?

---do you still trick or treat, regardless of age?
No. I don't remember what age I stopped. I find other things to do on Halloween... this past one I went to the Stewart/Colbert, rally, the one before that I dressed up and went dancing...

what's the most money you've received from the 'tooth fairy'?
I don't even remember.

have you ever eaten an entire pizza on your own?
I don't think so...

what is the most calories you've consumed in one day?
I don't know.

when was the last time you were impatient?
I'm always impatient.

when was the last time you felt used?
Hrm... I don't know.

when was the last time you felt appreciated?
Yesterday at work. It was CRAZY and a lot of work fell on my shoulders, but I knocked it out like a badass. My boss high-fived me and kept thanking me over and over.

has anyone ever copied off of your homework assignments?
Probably. I was the smart kid.

describe the main problem with your last relationship?
Well, we broke up because he wants kids and I don't. Other problems were that he was insensitive, selfish, unsupportive and belittling, among other things.

what was the last thing you clicked on before this survey?
Don't know. I'm watching Let The Right One In on Netflix Instant.

when was the last time you used duct tape? for what?
Don't know.

do you enjoy writing poems and songs?

are you annoyed by personal questions?

what was the last thing that offended you?
Someone getting pissy with me over an article I didn't even write or even necessarily condone.

when was the last time you made a judgment about something?

when was the last time you debated with someone?
Don't remember.

can you smell anything right now? what?
Nothing in particular.

when was the last time you sang the ABCs?
Not sure.

when was the last time your face was red?
When my girlfriend and I were hysterically laughing over stupid photos online earlier tonight...

what's on your shower curtain?
It's a pattern of colored squares. I want to replace it, but I want to paint the bathroom first.

what cartoon do you wish was still on tv?
I don't know what is and isn't, I don't want cartoons much anymore.

what cartoon / anime character can you most relate to?
I don't know. Jessica Rabbit?

what was the last thing that you put into your mouth?
Red cream soda.

what was the last word that came out of it?
Not sure, something along the lines of "Oh no! They're not going to...!?" in response to the movie.

do you have any pictures of celebs saved to your computer?
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