Name. Kerri
Age. 16
Sex. Female
Location. Millville, Ma
A user or community you promoted to.
vicarinatutu Six Favorite bands/singers.
* Nine Inch Nails
* Death Cab for Cutie
* The Postal Service
* Abandoned Pools
* Finch
* Mae
Five favorite movies/tv shows.
* Requiem for a Dream
* Family Guy
* Fight Club
* Office Space
* Baseketball
Four words to describe you.
* Poetic
* Independent
* Sarcastic
* Emotional
Three things you want to do in your life.
* Get published at al early age. And get respect young in life.
* Visit Elliott Smith's Grave/Urn/Body and pay my respects.
* Go on a road trip across the country with whoever my best friend at the time is.
Two places you would like to visit.
* Canada
* Australia
One reason you should be accepted.
* I lead a boring life, so I have a lot of free time on my hands. and I'm journal obsessed so I check for entries on my friends list every 20 minutes!