Lovely at its Finest

Sep 30, 2004 10:33

[1]Name: Maggie
[2]Age: 16
[3]Location: MA
[4]List (3) favorite bands or artists: Taking Back Sunday, Sudden Ease, Relient K
[5]List (3) favorite movies: The Breakfast Club, Finding Nemo, The Little Mermaid (kid at heart<3)
[6]List (4) interesting facts about yourself: I can wiggle my ears. I can make my tongue into a clover. I'm pretty good at design and lettering of words. I draw words a lot and mess around with them. Sounds weird, I know, but it's cool when I make cards and stuff for people. Last thing - I love to eat sprinkles by themselves. I just go to the store and buy decorating sprinkles and carry them in my purse for whenever I get a craving.
[7]Say something random: I'm home sick right now and my dog just placed the most slobbery tennis ball on my leg.
[8]What is your favorite season and why: Summer. It's just such a care-free time of year that you can just relax during. And the sun is out and it's usually a good temperature to do almost anything outside. Plus, you have the beach in the summer!
[9]Your OPINION on.... (full answers)
[a]Abortion: I'm pro-choice. It is a woman's decision. If she feels responsible enough to have sex, then she has to be responsible enough to make a decision concerning another life she is carrying. Of course they are so many "what ifs" like rape and such, but I'm still pro-choice for that. If it wasn't the woman's choice to have sex and she gets pregnant, then she has to do what she has to do.
[b]War: I hate any kind of violence and fighting. If I could vote, it wouldn't be for any candidate running because none of them have said anything about eliminating war. Just "how to help stop it" or "win the war." Give me a break and grow up. Figure out what this thing is all about and just end it already. Too many people have too many big egos that need nuturing all the time.
[c]Same-sex Marriages: I'm all for it. If two people love each other and want to vow to be together forever, then who are we to stop them? I was actually at a lesbian wedding party a few weeks ago. I have no problem with it.
[d]Illegal Immigrants: We are actually studying this in History right now. I think immigrants should be legal. Who knows who is going to get into this country illegally and do something horrible that we don't know about?
[10]How/where did you come across this community: I did a random journal search and there was a promo for it on it.
[11]Promote to two places on livejournal, (including at least one community, and not including your own journal): xdowncastx <-- friend's journal __radcore <--community
[12]Your (4-7) pictures:

Me on my 16th birthday

Me and my sister.

A body shot. From the back. I'm on the left.

Anothr body shot. From the front. First day of school

A silly one.

Me on the left outside at lunch a week ago.

Enjoy <333
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