♥ lovely at it's finest...♥

Nov 04, 2004 20:12

[1]Name: bethany
[2]Age: 16
[3]Location: california
[4]List (3) favorite bands or artists: white stripes, ben folds, the strokes, weezer… (ahh so many!)
[5]List (3) favorite movies: napoleon dynamite, the lion king, spice world (I’m lame)
[6]List (4) interesting facts about yourself:
-there is ABSOLUTLY nothing i'm good at.
-i'm emo
-i got my nose pierced 3 weeks ago
-i'm jewish
[7]Say something random: Peter:"don't worry lois, i read a book about this once."
Brian:"are you sure it was a book? are you sure it wasn't NOTHING???"
Peter:"oh yeah."
-family guy
[8]What is your favorite season and why: fall- it’s sometimes warm enough to wear t-shirts but also is sometimes cold enough to wear fun things like scarves. And I love rain. In other words, I really can’t make up my mind.
[9]Your OPINION on.... (full answers)
[a]Abortion: well, no one really likes the idea of abortion. It’s just not a lovely thought. But, it’s not a question of how lovely it is. If a baby is going to be born with a serious defect or was the product of a rape, sometimes it’s better to abort than to bring them into the world. It’s sad to think about “terminating” a could-be life that could possibly be a productive member of society, but it is even more sad to think that abortion would be outlawed and a women wouldn’t have a choice about her own body.
[b]War: War is the easy way out when a problem can’t be solved. It’s like when you’re angry with some one, and you can’t figure out what to do, so you just start hitting them. It doesn’t solve anything at all, and it never will. All war does is delay the solution. I can’t honestly say that I know of a better way to solve major problems in the world, but I can’t ever agree with killing millions of people needlessly when it could be avoided. Brute force is a barbaric answer to problems, and I’m surprised that countries still rely on it so heavily.
[c]Same-sex Marriages: I am ALL for it. Letting two people who are in love with each other get married isn’t hurting anyone as far as I can see (except that the government has to pay for it.). I know that many people (esp george bush) are against it because of their religion. But, Just because religion doesn’t approve of something doesn’t mean that it should be illegal. The United States is supposed to have a strong separation of church and state, but it’s getting a little less that way every day.
[d]Illegal Immigrants: Living in southern California, I guess this topic is pretty relevant, but I honestly can’t say very much about the subject because I don’t’ know that much about it. IT’s sad how desperate for a better life these people are, and I’ve heard that these immigrants (from mexico) are actually helping the economy some how, but well…gosh I don’t know!
[10]How/where did you come across this community: I got bored…
[11]Promote to two places on livejournal, (including at least one community, and not including your own journal): I can’t say I can… =(
[12]Your (4-7) pictures:

(yeah, i know that one is pretty dumb.)

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