1. What are we to call you? Erin.
2. Just for reference, what's your age, or even better, your birthdate? 15 - 11/20/88.
3. To what sex do you belong and what are your sexual preferences? Female, and I try to stay away from that one. If anything, I'm bi. However, at this point I may be closer to asexual.
4. How many toes do you have? 10. Just like I'm s'posed to.
5. How should a good song make you feel? Depends on the type of song. If it's an upbeat song it should fill you with joy, if it's a song about mourning and depression I suppose it should make you feel like that. I prefer upbeat.
6. What is the best type of movie? A unique movie with unexpected twists that makes you laugh at the right moment.
7. Who is Faramir (if you don't know, say so)? Faramir is a type of sweater, which was named after a russian sattelite...
8. Who are you voting (or would vote if you are underage) for in this election? Kerry. A vote for Nader is a vote thrown away, but if that weren't true I'd vote for him.
9. What is your favorite country? Why? I haven't been out of the country [USA] so it's tough to judge. Canada seems friendly, as does Iceland.
10. Exactly nine words of your choice. This is sort of like one of those haikus.
11. What body part would you not mind giving up? My left arm. Or wait, maybe just my left thumb. I gotta type.
**Note about the next three questions**
I know these are found in every app, but even if we disagree with your opinions, we'll give you credit for an explanation that let's us understand why you feel that way.
12. How do you feel about abortion?
I think it should be legal. First of all, the... fetus [not the technical term when it's only a sack of cells, but I can't think of the technical term] isn't conscious at that point. As for "potential life," one could argue that every time a girl has her period she may as well be having an abortion and I'm sure no girl would want to get pregnant every 9 months instead. And then, just because it's legal doesn't mean everyone who CAN have them WILL have them. I'm sure there are as many pro-life women as there are men. It's those that disagree that should have the right to do what they want with their bodies. The opinions of one group of people should not prevent another group from doing what they believe is right. (A long winded response, but it sort of aggravates me how some people are just stupid about how it being legal is just so there's another option out there for those that need it.)
13. Gay marriage?
I'll try to keep this one shorter. Marriage is only between a man and a woman according to some religions, not all. It's unfortunate that the western world is based upon those religions, and I believe that gay marraige should become fully legalized and that homosexuals should have the equal benefits that heterosexuals have. At the LEAST there should be a Union with the same benefits as a marriage.
14. Religion?
What about it? Being agnostic, I don't have a real hard view on any of them. Any of them could be real, a mixture could be real. There's no way of knowing. I just don't like how some people will take their religions to such extremes. We gotta tone it down.
15. Five favorite bands or singers:
a. Skankin' Pickle
b. Radiohead
c. Pixies?
d.Whatever I feel like listening to at the time. I tend not to get into bands as much as I get into songs. Tell me to name some songs and I can go on for ages.
16. Six favorite movies:
a. Kill Bill vol. 1
b. Fight Club
c. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
d. Clerks
e. Donnie Darko
f. Rocky Horror, of course.
17. A little word association, eh?
a. Pie:: Hole.
b. Bend:: Over.
c. Pulp:: Comics, just for variation.
d. Lamp:: Shade
e. Biology:: Major
f. F:: Fail.
g. South:: Of the border.
18. What was the last thing you got in the mail?
Probably a birthday card or something like that. I have a poor memory.
19. Finish this sentence:
a. Holy fuck! Look over there! It's a sailboat!
10. Yup, sorry. Promote us somewhere and give a link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/monkey_kong/147473.html 21. Give me some parting words.
Live long and prosper.
22. Just to throw you off, that wasn't the last question, this is. Look on the internet or rack your memory for a total random fact that you think nobody will know but is still interesting/cool.
Not very cool to anyone except me, but Chekov was put on Star Trek in the 2nd season because it was believed his Davey Jones-like good looks would pull in more teenage female viewers.
23. Don't worry...this isn't a question. A pic is nice, but completely optional. It won't affect any decisions.