1. What are we to call you? ryan
2. Just for reference, what's your age, or even better, your birthdate? 8/17/77
3. To what sex do you belong and what are your sexual preferences? straight female
4. How many toes do you have? 10
5. How should a good song make you feel? energetic and happy
6. What is the best type of movie? one that really makes you think and is enjoyable
7. Who is Faramir (if you don't know, say so)? he is in the lord of the rings barimir's brother
8. Who are you voting (or would vote if you are underage) for in this election? i voted for kerry
9. What is your favorite country? Why? canada, the air is crisp and clean, there is free medical care and great schools
10. Exactly nine words of your choice. spork, prattle, supercalifragilisticexpealadocious, consistent, no, sparkle, fragrant,, passionate, humble
11. What body part would you not mind giving up? my uterus because im done with having children and i don't need it anymore.
**Note about the next three questions**
I know these are found in every app, but even if we disagree with your opinions, we'll give you credit for an explanation that let's us understand why you feel that way.
12. How do you feel about abortion?my personal opinion is that abortion is murder, i feel very strongly about this because i have 5 children and i could not imagine a world without them. HOWEVER i do feel strongly about giving the woman a right to choose, no one, not me, not you and certainly not the government has a right to tell any woman what they can and cant to with their bodies.
13. Gay marriage? marriage is marriage, love is love, it's all the same no matter who you marry.
14. Religion? i believe religion is a very personal choice that should never be forced upon anyone, you can only believe in that you feel is right and true.
15. Five favorite bands or singers:
a. pray for the soul of betty
b. kelly clarkson
c. tool
d. maroon 5
e. skid row
16. Six favorite movies:
a. heathers
b. the breakfast club
c. clerks
d. titanic
e. lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring
f. dirty dancing
17. A little word association, eh?
a. Pie:: cherry
b. Bend:: twist
c. Pulp:: orange juice
d. Lamp:: on
e. Biology:: human
f. F:: g
g. South:: jersey
18. What was the last thing you got in the mail? eletric bill
19. Finish this sentence:
a. Holy fuck! Look over there! It's a ???? crazed lady kicking the shit out of britney spears face
10. Yup, sorry. Promote us somewhere and give a link:
http://www.livejournal.com/community/cute_as_hell/ 21. Give me some parting words. let the object of objection become but a dream as i cause the seen to become un seen
22. Just to throw you off, that wasn't the last question, this is. Look on the internet or rack your memory for a total random fact that you think nobody will know but is still interesting/cool.
people who sleep 5 or less hours a night are 70% more likely to become obese
23. Don't worry...this isn't a question. A pic is nice, but completely optional. It won't affect any decisions.