*Name* Brittany
*Age* 14
*Gender* female
*Location* Virginia
*Bands* story of the year, maroon 5, smile empty soul
*Movies* Pirates of the caribbean, and scooby doo 1 and 2
*Books* Silent witness and the 10 quests of Amber
*Cars/Trucks* Celica, and Chrysler Pt cruiser convertible
*State to Visit & Why* Kentucky, because of the horses
*Country to Visit & Why* Germany, because it's an awesome country and the language is pimp
*Abortion* I dont believe in it. if you didnt want to get pregnant..condom or just dont do it
*Capital Punishment* I'm not to buddy buddy with it, but I dont like sending people to death even if they did kill
*Gay Rights* I have gay friends, but I can say anything
*President Bush* I dont think he's done anything wrong, then again I dont care as long as i dont die in his presidency
*War* War sucks, everybody should just settle they're problems or come up with a compromise
*Inter-Racial Marriages* I agree, i am black and I dont really like black guys....
*Rating Communities* I'm ohk with them but why must most of them insist on manditory pictures. It's as if your face is being judged.
*Religion* Superb. Atheism is stupid, if there where no supreme being why are you here?
*Freedom of Speech* Kick Ass everyone is entitled to speaking their minds
.::What is your...?::.*Biggest Pet Peeve* bubble gum
*Favorite Saying/Quote* People are gonna hate you for who you are, but dont let them love you for who you're not.
What celebrity would you like to be for a day and why? jim carey I would like to be that funny in real life..
What dead celebrity would you like to bring back for a day and why? Bob Marley, he could teach you a lot about life and what turns make you what you are today
What are your fears/thoughts concerning death? i fear not being able to tell everyone how i feel about them
If you were to be given a choice, how would you choose to die and why? Fast, but I wanna know when i'm gonna die
What are your thoughts concerning ignorant people? Do you know any? Are you one? Ignorant people need chances but at times they get pretty aggravating, i know a few, and how would I be able to know if I were ignorant