*Name* Giselle.
*Age* 21.
*Gender* Femme.
*Location* Miami, FL.
*Bands* Faith and the Muse, Metallica, Deathboy, Sex Pistols, Me First and the Gimme Gimme's.
*Movies* The Red Violin, Songcatcher, Starship Troopers, Gone with the Wind, The Boondock Saints, Bowling for Columbine, Amores Perros, Trainspotting, The Big Lebowski.
*Books* ANYTHING by Terry Pratchett, Dragon Prince (trilogy), Dragon Star (trilogy), The Death Gate Cycle (7 book series), Almost History, The Way of the Shaman, The Tao of Pooh, Gone with the Wind, Trainspotting.
*Cars/Trucks* Ford Mustang.
*State to Visit & Why* I'd love to visit New Jersey. I was born there but only spent a few months before my family packed up and moved to Miami. I hear that culturally New Jersey is as wonderfully diverse as Miami and I'm curious to see it, as well as having family there that have been calling for a visit for a few years now.
*Country to Visit & Why* It'd be absolutely great to go to either England or Sweden. I have a bunch of (net)buddies from both areas and what I hear from them sounds amazing. I would probably end up going to Sweden though, simply because I'm so used to the heat and I hear they have over 30 words for snow. And they also said something about horizontal snow as well..
*Abortion* To me, abortion is a necessary evil. There are almost countless instances when I support abortion, such as rape, children having children, early detection of mental retardation and I stand firmly behind a pro-abortion view. Likewise I believe that healthy women with the stable incomes and no real reason to abort a child shouldn't, but it's HER body and HER choice regardless.
*Capital Punishment* I absolutely agree. No, I'm not Christian but I stand behind the belief "An eye for an eye." Exceptions? There always exists an exception, but for the most part I stand behind it.
*Gay Rights* I'm not even sure why Gay Rights is an issue at all. A homosexual person is, regardless of sexual orientaion, a person, right? They're not animals, they're not some reef of coral that may be damaged, they're HUMAN BEINGS. Human nature tends to disgust me at times, and this is one of the key examples of that. Gays should have the same rights as anyone else in this country, no more and no less.. segregating them by sexual orientation is just as bad as segregating African Americans based on their skin colour.
*President Bush* I can't stand the sight of the man. I was too young when the presidential vote came in 2000, but if I hadn't been I probably wouldn't have bothered.. lack of choice really. I figured "Bush can't really do all that bad, can he?" and just shrugged when he came out on top. Then 9/11 came and I though "He handled this very well, kudos." And then began the war on terrorism.. I had little to no faith in it at first, but when he signled out Iraq and went AGAINST the UN's decission.. pissed off all the people that gave us their full support and spit in the face of our allies.. wow, could the man have been more stupid? He's not fooling anyone with his claims, it's obvious we attacked for oil. If he really wanted to put an end to dictators or leaders that torture their victims or harbor terrorists, he could've gone after Cuba, Nigeria, Egypt, China and plenty more countries. We've lost more tropps in the past few months than in the actual takeover of Iraq and he STILL won't pull out. This november, it's Kerry or bust.
*War* It may be very liberal of me, but I'm just very anti-war. Nothing good ever comes out of it, and one war just begets more wars. It's a never-ending hodgepodge of stupidity and death and there's never a victor, there's just someone that comes out less scarred.
*Inter-Racial Marriages* I'm a big believer and supporter of inter-racial marriages. I can't see anything wrong with love: Man and Woman, Man and man, Woman and Woman, Asian and American, Hispanic and African.. it's all just labels that mean nothing when you're looking into the other persons soul.
*Rating Communities* The amuse me greatly.. people I've never met and probably will never meet judging on a questionare or pictures. I attempt to join these communities to kill some time, and if I get in I join in on the fun of judging without knowing anything about a person save these surveys. They're fun, you just have to take them with both a grain of salt and a thickened outer skin.
*Religion* Everyone needs something to believe in, so I think you should take what you makes you feel right. I went to a Christian private school when I was younger as both my parents wanted it, my mother because she's quite religious and my father (the social scientist) because he wanted me to experience something 'outside of the box'. Having lived my childhood and adolescent years in that setting and switched to a completely different religion for my own reasons (I really don't like the Christian belief, but this is based on what I experienced at my school), I believe that most organized religion is just.. a lot of mindwashing nonsense.. but I think that everyone has a right to believe whatever makes getting through this life a little easier, just as long as they don't encroach on my right to do the same in a different manner.
*Freedom of Speech* Is an absolute necessity. I'm a very outspoken person and to find myself unable to simply say what I feel is like a choke hold depriving me of much needed air.
.::What is your...?::.
*Biggest Pet Peeve* Tough Love.
*Favorite Saying/Quote* We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. / All the world's a stage, but the play is badly cast. Both by Oscar Wilde, the most brilliant playwright of the 19th century.
What celebrity would you like to be for a day and why? J.K.Rowling. Apart from being a (perhaps too old) fan of the Harry Potter series, I'd love to feel what it'd be to be her. To come from nothing, with barely a cent to your name and just a big imagination, to having written one of the most successful childrens books of all time.
What dead celebrity would you like to bring back for a day and why? I get a lot of crap for this because it's almost always my answer, but I'd want to bring back Adolf Hitler. There are a million things to ask the man and I'm arrogant enough to believe I could possibly interview him. Maybe it's a bit naive of me but I strongly believe that there had to be great brilliance behind such absolute madness. It's mostly this: I want to understand why.
What are your fears/thoughts concerning death? I simply fear dying before I've had the chance to make something of myself before I'm forced to leave this world. I want my name to last through the years, beyond my family. I want to be able to contribute SOMETHING to this world that means something.
If you were to be given a choice, how would you choose to die and why? There are two ways I'd love to go. The first would be a gentle, painless death, surrounded by those I love. The other would be a form of self-suicide, that I'd only consider if my own death was impending and there was no chance for survival whatsoever.. I'd love to drive my beloved Mustang into something, and take myself as well as my darling car out in a blaze of 'glory'.
What are your thoughts concerning ignorant people? Do you know any? Are you one? I know I should be more patient with ignorant people. It's not as if they don't know things on purpose.. but I really can't bring myself to be kind about or to them. They bother me and I feel people should at least TRY to know about a subject before they leap in and try to say their (uninformed) piece.