if you read this post and im sure you will, just keep in mind i acutally wrote it out because i wanted to and not o entertain you or inform you so i dont really care if you comment on it or just comment to say hi... disregard it if youd like....ill update something on a lighter note later..
hhhm... a few words..not an actual formed sentence, just some words i wanted to say a few words
nationalism hatred Nigeria
Biafra manlged bodies
dead children eyeballs
now im sure you all know what genocide is..
GENOCIDE-The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
last night, i saw rather disturbing pictures and had begun to read upon the genocide committed by the Nigerian government against Biafra. i havent gotten to far on what exactly occured as the acts of genocide rather than learn a little bit on Biafra. the pictures were hard enough.
i cried last night for 3 hours because i couldnt stop thinking about it.. i mean i know countries in africa were fighting over things such as independence, but i didnt no africans were or had/ or attempted to committ genocide on other africans. i mean it makes sense because once a country has become enclosed with nationalism, other countries that get in their way would have to go...
crimes against humanity dont get much worse than genocide
yeah..my family gets kinda sick of the fact that death interests me so much...and i dont mean like an obsession that i wanna embrace one day and go kill someone..rather than learning about why people kill others and themselves or masses of people and i often put myself in the shoes of the killed, never the killer though, i just cant picture myself killing someone else or other people..
and i know it might be normal for people to be entertained by death, you know with the whole ER shows and crazy accident shows and alllll that jazz..
but everything that mostly comes outta my mouth at home has something to do with death...like i drive my cousin crazy because every joke or thing i say has to do with dying and it might really be funny, but heh... i even having a liking for that barenaked ladies song where the dude says "i cant help when i laugh at a funeral"...or whatever..
and im not sure why im telling you all this....or maybe i just felt like typing out how i felt in the wwhheee hours of the morning...i just needed to feel myself write it/type it out.
i probably dont make any sense, or got all my facts right...