hollis and brandon are sooo homo
the empty fate: shit...i thought i was tall...im 5 11 and 1/2
xsobbingforstars: well brandon, you're not. you're small
xsobbingforstars: ;-)
the empty fate: whats the face for?
xsobbingforstars: oh... i'm sure you know
xsobbingforstars: there's no shame in having a small pecker
the empty fate: whos says that?
xsobbingforstars: hahaha....
xsobbingforstars: me
the empty fate : oh ok...well i dont:-D
xsobbingforstars: you do from what i remember
xsobbingforstars : that night i drugged you in vegas
xsobbingforstars : man, i needed a microscope
the empty fate : oh shit...u remembered that??
the empty fate : dam i thought i was dreamin
xsobbingforstars : of course man, i did the drugging!
xsobbingforstars : there wasn't much to remember though, you only lasted like 30 seconds
the empty fate: oh oops...it was prolly the drugs...its usually at least a minute
xsobbingforstars: even at that you're bordering on shit banging. learn to control yourself
xsobbingforstars : at the brink of sexual pleasure, imagine some old ladies naked outside on a cold day
the empty fate : im sorry im not used to bein pounded in the ass by a 6 foot 3 scottish kid while being drugged
xsobbingforstars : well... get used to it. i'm sending some buddies over there just now
xsobbingforstars : and one's 6 foot 6
xsobbingforstars : *shifty eyes*
the empty fate: dammit dammit dammit...not this again...i wsa bleeding for like a week from u...now ure sending ure 6 6 friend...dammmmmm
xsobbingforstars : just between you and me... he's not that well endowed. but, you know, he can go fast. prepare for a good ass-ripping
the empty fate : now..ull never get me...or my ass
xsobbingforstars: oh we will. we have our wasy
the empty fate : not if im wearing the ass blocker 5000
xsobbingforstars : then we go for the mouth. a good old face-fuck is always needed
the empty fate : not for me...im a vegatarian
xsobbingforstars : we'll convert you
the empty fate : pft...ya right
awww look at brandon...
and me in the corner. haha he's squating and looks so short!!
oh god so im sleeping and i feel these FREEZING cold hands on my face and im like "omg i dont wanna open my eyes someones gonna kill me" and then i feel someone jump on my bed im like "OMGOMGOMGOMG i dont wanna die" and then i got scared and just opened my eyes to see my killer.... and it was BRANDON! and i was still like OMG OMG OMG OMG but for a good reason!! he came to see me. and LUCKILY the back door was open.
<3 man i love that kid <3 =)