i got my gba sp and ff tactics advanced its amazing platnum and onyx...it's so sexy i have it with me but just can't play it corcoran then lab next >_< no fun
i snuck into the computer lab again....heh poeple are putting in the play for 42nd street and about 3 hallways are closed off.... so no locker or bells. i'm thinkn ima get a gameboy advanced sp this week black then paint it then cinemark friday but after school is a meeting with me, mom, lattanzio, and guidance counselor fun
school totally sucks today hichew can't even make it fun/// err c-day mr lang (so gay) she makes me feel like an idiot
and didn't see steve yet..
i want to talk to anna again.. she's cool to the maxx times 439574326078346094357605392642896754098675890675896734209856 and then some because i'm lazt type