it was quite an experience. that kind of stuff is fun to me... except when prison guards refuse to tell u where the bathroom is and you REALLY have to go hahaha
i think i was just upset because i didn't want to make you guys wait, and my mom had to do all that on mother's day.. it wasn't really the car/situation that was upsetting me.
haha and i like how we're both on livejournal when we both have the project due tomorrow.
ok first i have no cool what coolant is but it sounds importnat. Second that sounds like an adventure i would take part in, actually lead in. THanks Carrie boyle for inviting me your a true friend.
is that that prison like on the way to little tokyo by the freeway? cause i was like stoped there once too, and you can for sure hear the inmates like yelling, its pretty intense. sorry you for your coolant issues :]
Comments 9
im so sorry, that sounds terribly traumatic
and yet, an adventure all the same.
i feel like i haven't talked to you in a REALLLLLYYY long time.
i thought it was fun! no worries girlie.
it was quite an experience. that kind of stuff is fun to me... except when prison guards refuse to tell u where the bathroom is and you REALLY have to go hahaha
haha and i like how we're both on livejournal when we both have the project due tomorrow.
Second that sounds like an adventure i would take part in, actually lead in. THanks Carrie boyle for inviting me your a true friend.
and i'm sorry, will lee. next time i'll be sure to invite you to volunteer with us and mr. martin for our history project.
and I've had some intense adventures.
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