no, this is true, but he did break up with me the day before thanksgiving after my car stereo and all my cd's were stolen, which from perspective seems even worse, but that was awhile ago.
My exboyfriend actually did say there never would have been a good time to break up with me so he happened to that day. He's right there probably never is a "good time" to break up with someone.
I hope you get your *upgrade*=) I'm still trying to get a coffee job, seeing as it's what I do best=/ Heh I think I would do the same thing (driving two hours in the middle of the night), I wouldn't be able to stand knowing that things were bad and could be fixed, especially a petty fight.
closest cross street is everett and naito pkwy. It's right by Union Station and the bus station. Rent is $485. Washer and dryer included, dishwasher. Two bedroom, two bath. It will be available end of august or early september depending on when you can move in. If you are interested TALK TO ME!
Comments 16
I miss you!!!!!
o and how much and when is it open and all the rest.
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