Today I bring thee 2 new layouts!
__1 for
olivertwist__1 for
sweetthea The one for
olivertwist has already been approved by the user and is up and running!
The one for
sweetthea, I feel terrible for because I took soooo long haha. SORRY!
olivertwist mmm..Damien.
sweetthea I *think* it might pose some problemes depending on how many toolbars you have.
If you like, drop me a comment w/ your password (the comments are screened don't worry!) I'll set it up anyway. And we shall take care of it later! :)
Hope you like! And I'm really sorry again!
Oooh and I've been wondering, are you Alelysafina on MTF? lol I'm so slow, sorry!
Layout Requests closed until I take care of my own over at
I've got to take care of myself. ;D