best feeling ever <3

Jul 24, 2004 15:45

There are some things from our high school experiences that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives and some memories that we choose to forget. But when we look back at those experiences, we'll see our friends... the ones who got us through everything and we'll realize how lucky we are to have them. If all my friends were to jump off a ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

Advice from Dr. Snuggels anonymous July 24 2004, 16:31:21 UTC
From what I heard I cant tell you enough how happy I am to hear the way you feel about your boyfriend. In life, we all come across many different people. Many different personalities, sense of humors, looks, emotions. Throughout High School we will face the most toughest decisons of our lifes. The pure pressures from smoking to drinking, from emotional pains in realtionships, friendships and family life. Through this, you have friends, best friends and people you pass by in the hall way. Youve said it good yourself, Best friends are there to support you one hundred percent even if they are not sure if it is your best option. In a relationship such as yours, you have a type of bond that seems it can't be broken. In this type of situation, be careful how you act, what you do, what you say because as much as you seem to be in love, its a high school crush, a high school 'love as you will' and being in 'love' can go a far way as far as emotions are concerned. As much as you feel like your in love, as much as you feel you cant be hurt and ( ... )


Re: Advice from Dr. Snuggels _adorabellaxo July 26 2004, 22:37:16 UTC
hMm ..
i tHiNk iVe f0uNd LoVe tH0u ..
bUt g0oD aDviCe


_prettyemotions July 24 2004, 23:03:34 UTC
tara fucking davis.
heeello :D
it's Maegan!
&uhm, you better add me. like, right now.
i miss you.



f0r miss MAEgan * _adorabellaxo July 26 2004, 07:08:28 UTC
you're added baby !!
&i miss you as well.



aevalscalling July 25 2004, 11:10:57 UTC
~hey, I am happy that you are happy, this summer has changed all of us for the better, we are what feels like ages older and all of us stil the same at heart for the better... lots of memz girl and many more to go, be true to your heart as always and never forget who you are
love ya hun~


that made me smile :] _adorabellaxo July 26 2004, 07:25:02 UTC
[ LiDdLe kEnNa ..
I deF aGrEe w/ y0u - wE hAvE aLL cHaNgEd tHiS sUmMeR &yEs iT's f0r tHe bEtTeR! i'Ve g0t tHe BeSt 0f fRiEnDs .. hAd a gReAt sUmMer .. &i'Ve g0t tHe w0rLd's m0st gReAtEsT b0yfRiEnd. bUt i d0 hAvE t0 sAy 0nE tHiNg, iM gLaD wE'vE aLL sTuCk bY eAcH0tHeRs siDe .. iT's tiMe's LyK tHeSe wEn wE c0mE t0 fiNd 0uT wHo'S rEaL &wHo'S fAkE ! wE aRe tHe OriGinAL sTaRLeTs & aS yOu c0nTinUe t0 DaNce tHeSe nExT 2 yEaRs, aLtHoUgH wE mAy nOt bE tHeRe tHeRe dAnCiNg nExt t0 y0u, oR r0oTiNg yOu gRLs 0n .. jUsT rEmEmBeR aLL tHe FuN tyMeS wE'vE hAd .. i LoVe yA gRL !!

* tEe


Re: that made me smile :] aevalscalling July 26 2004, 17:04:19 UTC
My liddle TEEEE *lol*
Yes I know its amazing how we have stuck by eachothers side, no matter whats happend, NO MORE DRAMA just alot more good times I hope lol. Yes I definatly agree with you, this is the time we find out about whose fake and whose not, I am already learning just who are my true friends, youre one of em FOR SURE
lots of love and youre def gonna party with us tee ur still an original n no matter what Ill be there to help ya out in any way i can
thanks for being there for me always


xxbribripimpxx July 26 2004, 07:45:27 UTC
Damn baby u mean so god damn much to me i love u so much and i dont know wat i would do if i wasnt with u. This summer has been great and i have never had so much fun, from just sitting in my room watching a movie to going out and partying and wat not. You make the most normal ritual daily things seem so fun and i lvoe that 2 death about u, you and i could do anything 2gether and we would and still can have the time of our lives. I have never been with some1 that i can actually say that i lvoe them, and i love u i really do sometimes u may think that i dont, and i wish u could see it all the time that i love u TARA LYNN DAVIS. I know u love me and im so happy that u do love me it means so much to me i cant even put it into words. I have had our ups and downs so far and its only been almost 2 months but we can make it, casue if u can stay with me for 1 month u can stay with me forever lol.

I love u baby so much and dont forget


wat would i do without you baby? _adorabellaxo July 30 2004, 17:30:16 UTC
Bri, this summer has been the absolute BEST, we've done everything together whether it being with me & my troopers ;], or just us on our own, it may of taken 3 years to make this work, but luckily for me we finally stepped up, & stopped being so damn stubborn, & fell in love for the very first time. I love you baby, & I can't say it enough. I'm having the best time right now with you & your family in South Carolina & to be honest with you baby, it couldn't get any better than this. x0x0

y0ur tAra LyNn


__steena July 26 2004, 09:17:25 UTC
wow, very well said my dear.
haha, i love you<3


:] _adorabellaxo July 26 2004, 09:23:14 UTC
haha, why thank you steena lyn [ididntforget]
lol, i love you babycakes <3


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