There are some things from our high school experiences that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives and some memories that we choose to forget. But when we look back at those experiences, we'll see our friends... the ones who got us through everything and we'll realize how lucky we are to have them. If all my friends were to jump off a
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Comments 20
i tHiNk iVe f0uNd LoVe tH0u ..
bUt g0oD aDviCe
heeello :D
it's Maegan!
&uhm, you better add me. like, right now.
i miss you.
&i miss you as well.
~hey, I am happy that you are happy, this summer has changed all of us for the better, we are what feels like ages older and all of us stil the same at heart for the better... lots of memz girl and many more to go, be true to your heart as always and never forget who you are
love ya hun~
I deF aGrEe w/ y0u - wE hAvE aLL cHaNgEd tHiS sUmMeR &yEs iT's f0r tHe bEtTeR! i'Ve g0t tHe BeSt 0f fRiEnDs .. hAd a gReAt sUmMer .. &i'Ve g0t tHe w0rLd's m0st gReAtEsT b0yfRiEnd. bUt i d0 hAvE t0 sAy 0nE tHiNg, iM gLaD wE'vE aLL sTuCk bY eAcH0tHeRs siDe .. iT's tiMe's LyK tHeSe wEn wE c0mE t0 fiNd 0uT wHo'S rEaL &wHo'S fAkE ! wE aRe tHe OriGinAL sTaRLeTs & aS yOu c0nTinUe t0 DaNce tHeSe nExT 2 yEaRs, aLtHoUgH wE mAy nOt bE tHeRe tHeRe dAnCiNg nExt t0 y0u, oR r0oTiNg yOu gRLs 0n .. jUsT rEmEmBeR aLL tHe FuN tyMeS wE'vE hAd .. i LoVe yA gRL !!
* tEe
Yes I know its amazing how we have stuck by eachothers side, no matter whats happend, NO MORE DRAMA just alot more good times I hope lol. Yes I definatly agree with you, this is the time we find out about whose fake and whose not, I am already learning just who are my true friends, youre one of em FOR SURE
lots of love and youre def gonna party with us tee ur still an original n no matter what Ill be there to help ya out in any way i can
thanks for being there for me always
I love u baby so much and dont forget
y0ur tAra LyNn
haha, i love you<3
lol, i love you babycakes <3
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