(no subject)

May 30, 2005 21:17

What is your favorite..

gum: orbit

restaurant:umm Famous Daves is pretty good.

drink: kool aid!! 8)

season: summer

type of weather: sunny,and warm

emotion: happy

thing to do on a half day: come home and hangout with Ryan<3

late-night activity:Hangout with people and Ryan<3

sport: basketball

city: Roseville

store: umm any clothing store where i can go shopping ;)

When was the last time you..

cried:Last night

played a sport:umm soccer with Ryan a couple weeks ago :)

laughed: today

hugged someone:yesterday my brother gave me a big hug

kissed someone: Sunday

felt depressed: yesterday i think i might of been a little sad

felt overworked: today at school, ugh i hate it

faked sick: last Friday

What was the last..

word you said: ugly

thing you ate: pork chops

song you listened to: my Rascal Flatts cd

thing you drank: milk

movie you saw: umm i dont no

movie you rented: some movie with ryan<3

concert you attended: the hoedown

Who was the last person you..

hugged:my brother

cried over: Ryan


danced with:my girls at the hoedown

shared a secret with: prolly Danielle or Ryan

had a sleepover with:we had a sleepover at Brandons with me Ryan danielle brandon kates n emily<3


went to a movie with: prolly Ryan

saw: Alesia

were angry with:Ryan

couldn't take your eyes off of:Ryan

obsessed over: i dont no

Have you ever..

danced in the rain: yes

kissed someone: yes

done drugs: yes

drank alcohol: yes

slept around: no

partied 'til the sun came up: yessss

had a movie marathon: not that i recall

spun until you were immensely dizzy: yes

taken a survey quite like this before: yes

Full name: Amy Lynn Richards

Nicknames: Aimus, A-lo, Amers

Sex: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: January 9th, 1989

Birth place: hospital

Current residence: warren

Zodiac Sign: capicorn

Parents names: Joe n Therese

Sibling's names and ages: 2 sisters..Alesia (18) Amanda (13)..n 1 brother Brian (6)

Pets:dog n cat..n now a lizard thanks to Brandon


Colors:orange n pink

Animals: bunnies

Cartoon Characters: idn

Actresses: Julia Roberts


Movies:Shrek..the notebook

Types of music: country

Singers: alot of them

Bands/Groups: Rascal Flatts


Love songs:dont kno

Breakup songs:dont kno

Happy songs:,b>i dont kno

All time favorite songs: i dont kno

Video games:im not very good at them at all

Computer games: dont even no any

Foods: cheeze sticks n icecream:)

Ice creams: chocolate

Cookies: peanut butter ones


Fruits:strawberries and watermelon


Beverages:kool aid

Cereals: cookie crisp

Webesites: dont know

Pizza toppings:cheese

Fast food joints: burger King..taco bell

Fast food meals:chicken

Pig out foods: chips

Outfits: jeans n shirt

Athletes:i dont know

Numbers:3 and 35

Letters:i dont no

Breakfast foods: nothing

Lunches: whatever


Comedians: Ryan Scott ;)

Shampoos: pantein pro v

Magazines:cosmo or teen

Love Life

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: ,b>yess<3

If so, who are they?: Ryan Michael Scott

Do you love them?: yes very very much

How long have you been dating?: 1 year 1 month n 11 days :)

Do you have a crush?: duh

Would you rather be single or taken right now?:taken by the love of my life:)

How many people have you dated this past year?: 1

How many people have you kissed in your life?: umm alot

How many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it?: besides my parents only 1-Ryan<3

If you didn't mean it, why did you say it?: ..

Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: yes

Are you friends with your ex/exes?: most of them

Have you ever cheated on someone?: kinda

Have you ever been cheated on?:not that i noe of

What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?:i dont no ryan sends me flowers <3

What do you look for in your ideal mate?:everything

Biggest Turn-ons: umm

Turn-offs: ugly teeth and bad breath

Best quote to sum up love: i dont no

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