.. friendly advice
April 22 2005, 20:09:00 UTC
yah im sorryy but your whole journal.. layout thing is really not working for me it makes you sound like a conceited little bitch... im not saying you are cuz i dont no you at all ive only heard of you.. but it really makes you look concieted. maybe yo u think thats a good thingi really dont know? also always saying yoru like.. an "oglesby girl" really makes you sound like a brat and a snobb and stuck up and cliquey cuz your refering to yourself in group term rather then your actual name.. im just stating hte ovoius here.. not trying to put you down.. just telling you how it makes you look.
Re: .. friendly advice_all_in_love_April 22 2005, 20:47:40 UTC
well if you haven't noticed.. i really don't care.. its just this thing that i have with some of my friends n i like it this way.. n i just did it for graduatoin.. n some of us have a little thing behind all of the sayings..
n who are you? cause if you don't know me then why can't you leave a name?
Re: .. friendly advice
April 22 2005, 20:54:49 UTC
omg your retarded you think your all cool.. kristins journal is awesome and shes the best person ever! :) She is there for anyone when anyone needs her and maybe your the conceited one if you can't even leave your name..
Re: .. friendly advice
April 22 2005, 21:50:09 UTC
whoever left that first comment is fucking rude. shes just proud of where shes from and shes not afraid to show it. her group of friends has been together for a long fucking time now so why not let people know about it? if you think shes a conceited little bitch or whatever the hell you said then dont fucking read it. its as simple as that. fucking think before you say shit becuase you seem incredibly inadequate.
excuse me, is this your journal? umm no. this journal is for kristin and kristin only. it helps her express her thoughts and opinions and she welcomes others to read. it's not for you and your enjoymentt. if she likes her background she can keep it. if she doesn't she can change it. but it's FOR HER. if this was a community journal you can say that shit. but it's not. kristin has her own likes and dislikes. and so do you. but noone asked for your opinion on her and her journal. so cut the shit. i like your journal kristin =) and i love you the way you are!
your fucking rude..no1 fucking cares for ur opinion on shit like that..kristin can say her own views in her own fucking journal..u get ur own fucking journal and say shit..and leave your fucking name..have enough balls to stand by what you fucking said about my girll..obviously u no that u have the whole fucking town coming after u if u left a fucking name so mayb u were smart?
Comments 24
n who are you? cause if you don't know me then why can't you leave a name?
<3 always,
<3 u girll.. harley shaw
<3 alwayss
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